JEDI HoloNet

JEDI HoloNet » HoloNews » 2011 » January

286.30 // Dac Defenses Crumble to the Mandalorian Onslaught

Breaking news from the war front. We have just received reports the planet Dac has finally fallen after years of sieges by the Mandalorian armada. GHN has received reports from military officials that Coalition forces were forced to surrender the world after  two sizable fleets from Dellalt and Munto Codru converged on the planet in the largest assault of the war.

A large number of Coalition forces on the planet were forced to surrender. Many more were killed trying to run the Mandalorian blockade in orbit of the planet.

However, a new shimmer of hope shines in the hearts of the Coalition. Though the beloved world has finally fallen, reports of Mandalorian casualties numbered in the tens of thousands. This is due to the brilliance of Jedi Commanders in combat, and the ingenious tactics of Admiral Siluriformes. Even the overwhelming numbers, firepower, and experience of the Mandalorian invasion force were not able to take the planet without heavy losses to both man and machine.

“Our planet is lost, and that is a tragedy,” Admiral Siluriformes said in a press conference earlier today. “But I believe that we can take heart even if the face of defeat. Based on the difficulty the Mandalorians had in taking our home, and vast amount of resources they poured into its conquest, and the substantial losses they took, this reveals that they are not invincible. On the contrary. They are very beatable. As long as we do not lose heart or sight of why we are fighting, I truly believe we can win this war yet!”

The Admiral, who survived the Battle of Mon Calamari despite being a high profile target, had his comments countered by a statement Mandalore released to the Alliance, in which he denounced the casualty numbers released by Coalition officials to be, “pointless propaganda.”

“The people of Mon Calamari may have been worthy adversaries, perhaps the finest warriors in the Alliance, but even they were no match for the iron fist of the Mandalorians! In the end, they took the cowards way and fled like everyone else. And then they have the gall to claim that we are beatable! That we have a weakness within us!

“We Mandalorians have no weakness! We are warriors to our core, and no force in the galaxy has the  power to stop us. Even the legendary Jedi tremble in fear at the sound of our names, and fall to the roars of our cannons. And so shall the rest of the Alliance fall, planet by planet, until the whole Coalition has been brought to their knees by our conquest!”

The Chief of State was not available for comment at this time, but an aide assured us he was “very busy determining the next course of action for the Alliance.”

We here at the Galactic Holonews News Desk will keep you apprised of any and all updates on the war front.

Nik Carraway, GHN News

286.29 // Breaking News: Mandalorian Armada Advances, Move Towards Mon Calamari

We have just received word that the Mandalorian armada has advanced from Caluula into Alliance space, striking the worlds of Dellalt and Munto Codru simultaneously with precise timing. All Coalition military personnel have been forced to evacuate the worlds and fall back to Mon Calamari.

The fall of the two border worlds leaves Dac cut off and isolated from the rest of the Alliance. No one is getting out, no reinforcements are coming in. As the world of Mon Calamari faces what may be its darkest hour, the people of the Alliance join together in prayer for the people of Dac, and the protection of our fighting men and women defending it.

We here at the Galactic Holonews News Desk will keep you apprised of any further developments in this story.

286.23 // Mandalorians Prepare to Take Dac

For the past cycle, reports of Mandalorian activity have been few and far between.  However, GHN has learned that Coalition Intelligence have obtained details of a large Mandalorian fleet massing near Caluula.  Our sources believe this fleet is part of a push to take Munto Codru and Dellalt in order to isolate Dac, a critical world to the Coalition war effort and a constant thorn in the Mandalorian’s side since they began their invasion of Galactic Alliance space.

Dac, also commonly referred to as Mon Calamari after it’s more famous inhabitants, has been the subject of several high profile sieges during the course of the war.  Thanks to the tactical ingenuity and resolve of the Mon Calamari people and the Galactic Alliance, all attempts by the Mandalorians to conquer the world have resulted in failure.  However, the continued sieges have taken their toll on the planet’s resources.  The only trade-lane leading to Dac runs through the Pakuuni sector, a region infamous for its pirate activity which has only increased during wartime.  If the neighboring worlds of Munto Codru and Dellalt were to fall to the Mandalorians, all supplies and reinforcements would be effectively cut off.  GHN’s in-house analysts believe that if the Mandalorians are successful in this latest offensive, Dac’s defences will soon fall.

We will report any updates as they occur.

Ular Tenn // GHN

286.21 // SB 776 held up on the Senate floor.

As the war escalates, worlds on the front look to Senator Krackin (Mon Calamari) and his proposed spending bill to increase funding to border worlds on the front.

Unfortunately for worlds such as Mon Calamari, Kalee, and Cadornai, this bill has hit stiff resistance in the Galactic Senate. Senator Krackin had this to say:

“It is unfortunate that some of my colleagues on Coruscant do not feel it is necessary to secure our borders. I am extremely disappointed in many of the representatives, such as Senator Corsh of Bonadan. His assertion that we ‘shouldn’t waste money defending worlds that are difficult to defend’ shows a lack of leadership and a lack of compassion for the galactic citizens he is sworn to protect.

It is my sincere hope that Senator Corsh truly is just fiscal conservative to the point of coldness, and the fact that his home world of Bonadan is a competitor of my home world in the industry of ship building has nothing to do with it. It would be a tragedy to see a Senator allow citizens of the Alliance suffer and die for the purpose of making a profit.”

Senator Corsh had this to say:

“I would expect my honorable colleague to be a bit more open-minded and far more in touch with the requirements of the Alliance as a whole. This is not about a single planet but the Alliance and indeed the Coalition as a whole. If my colleague would like to try and lower the issue to mud-slinging then that really says nothing of his own commitment and position regarding the crisis, does it?”

As the SB 776 looks like its on its way to certain defeat, border worlds can only hold their breath and hope that their days of freedom are not numbered.

From Coruscant, the Galactic Holonews.

286.16 // Your Views: The War

Marlyn Wilsomer, 26, Coruscant, Says:

I think this war is only pushing our peoples further apart. If you ask me we should have surrendered alongside the Common Wealth. We’ve got enough to worry about after what happened on Bakura. Yes, the Chiss are dangerous but it’s too dangerous to keep fighting!

E. Nillis, 18, Brentaal, Says:

This war should have happened sooner. The Chiss were always creepy, and now they released that disease on Bakura. I say we synthesize it and release it on Csilla. The Ascendancy is a blight upon the galaxy, to be sure.

Hermon Graneur, 58, Anaxes, Says:

We need to stop the fighting and come to a compromise that will serve both of our nations. If we keep this up we will wipe each other out.

Eliana Halfstadt, 43, Corellia, Says:

This war has left me fearing for the lives of my children and husband. If we give up now we might have a chance to keep our lives.

To share your view, contact the Galactic Holonews Editorial Desk.