JEDI HoloNet

450.04 // Celestial phenomenon comes to an end

The Circle of First Knowledge, releases the following statement.

As the final remnants of a rare celestial event faded from view, researchers were left pondering how much more they could have learned if only they had more time. Despite this, the scientific community has begun analyzing the newly gathered data, hoping to unravel the mysteries of this ancient phenomenon. Early studies suggest that hydrogen played a significant role in the occurrence, though much remains to be discovered. In related news, celebrations across the Core have drawn to a close, with the grand Bazaar of Coruscant emerging as the festival’s highlight. The event saw over a thousand stalls registered, attracting visitors from the Core and Inner Rim who came to explore the diverse goods on offer. Interestingly, the most popular purchase during the solstice period was the holographic Quasar ceiling light.

Meanwhile, the Jedi Order is gradually returning to its normality. Many Jedi Masters and students have returned from their individual pilgrimages, where they sought to connect with and understand the unknown event. The festivities on Duneeden and Dantooine were particularly noteworthy, while Ossus opted to forgo celebrations in favor of research. Traces of energy from the Quasar Flash Point are reportedly still lingering in the Galaxy, though they are faint and difficult to perceive.

This phenomenon raises intriguing questions: What other mysteries were witnessed two and a half centuries ago that we have yet to observe or comprehend? It serves as a reminder that each of us is merely a grain of sand in the vast Galaxy, each with a purpose—whether realized or yet to be revealed.

449.11 // The Quasar Solstice

With the festivities about to begin, people throughout the Core and Inner Rim are preparing to celebrate this rare galactic event. Meanwhile, the scientific community, along with the scholars of the Jedi Order, are getting ready to study the phenomenon in hopes of further understanding its occurrence.

Commonly known as the “Quasar Solstice,” the official name given by astronomers is “Quasar Combustion” or “Quasar Flash Point.” This rare phenomenon is known to occur at an unstable frequency, with the time lapse between each active period ranging from around a decade to several centuries. The last known Quasar Combustion occurred more than four centuries ago, though there are ancient records of the same event occurring within a few years.

Although full comprehension of the phenomenon remains a mystery, both the scientific community and the Jedi Order have their respective opinions on its meaning. Jedi Knight Da’luk Qinari of the Circle of First Knowledge has been working closely with the scientists of the Coruscanti and Corellian universities. Regarding their research, Master Qinari quoted the following:

“After years of studying this phenomenon and performing countless calculations, scientists have agreed that the Quasar Flash Point is actually a sequence of gas ignitions. The Astronomy team explains that the dense gases gathered around the Galactic core reach a point where the pressure becomes so high that the gases ignite in a series of combustions. These combustions release waves of light, continuing until all the gas is used up. This process creates the steady light that we see spreading across the Core and the inner Rim of the Galaxy.”

Meanwhile, from the perspective of the Order, Jedi Knight Rozea Lhot of the Circle of First Knowledge stated the following:

“I have spoken with Master Qinari and fully understand the reasoning of the scientists. While I do not oppose their views, Master Mal and I firmly believe there is more to this phenomenon than any method or technology of modern civilization can reveal. In fact, I encourage everyone to focus during this event, and I am certain they will feel a wave of peace and warmth embracing them. With the never-ending cycle between the Living Force and the Cosmic Force, we can only assume that this occurrence is a burst of living energy released into the Galaxy to maintain the Balance. The reasons behind this instance are still unknown to us, as are many aspects of the Force.”

No matter the reasons behind it, it is an event worth honoring. On the afternoon of 449.12 ABY, let everyone take a glimpse at the sky and celebrate, each in their own way.

447.05 // Chancellor Rei Announces Retirement as Political Season Begins

With election day on 447.25, Senators across the whole galaxy embark on their campaigns this cycle with a new gravity for a few who may look to replace the popular Naka Rei as Chancellor in the upcoming cycle after he announced today he will not seek re-election.

It has been my distinct pleasure to serve the people of the Republic in her military and now politically for my life. By the end of my term I will have captained the great ship of state through turbulent waters for nearly a decade. While the Galaxy still faces rising challenges, I feel that my administration has made great strides towards bringing our disparate parties and governing philosophies in the Republic into a common direction.

The Republic today is more organized, fruitful, and productive than it has been in the last three decades. Even through the economic recession after Axxila, our economy has seen growth in the forms of millions of industrial jobs, the growth of new mining projects, and the lend-lease and rearmament treaty with our allies in the League of Sovereign Systems that has allowed for a total update of our fleets.

While the people of the Republic were worried about a fragmenting, fraying, and heated political climate eight cycles ago when I assumed this office, we’ve seen our union remain whole in the face of ultranationalist, ultraconservative, and violent secessionist terrorist groups such as the Roilers who wanted to use force to usurp the rule of law in our nation. We’ve reminded ourselves that even though we may have differing opinions, cultural traditions, histories, and political philosophies… All beings in the Republic are bound together by principles that transcend these- principles that bind us together in a common creed: that every sentient is created equal and is endowed by their creators with inalienable rights. That we have a common respect for one another as siblings in common peace and freedom.

To my honorable colleagues in the Senate I ask of you to remember this: never doubt that those who you disagree with in the galaxy’s greatest deliberative body hold the same values as you. Never doubt that the legislators whom you share a common job with share your common purpose. Do not allow yourself to be blinded by ideology, but remember that you serve your constituents, the people of the Republic, and there are things that every sentient in our nation holds dear.

I want to say thank you to the people of this Republic, to this Senate, and to the Galaxy for being gifted the opportunity to serve in your Navy, in your Senate, and as your Chancellor. Nothing has given me greater joy in my life than having had these opportunities to act as your steward and servant.

Good night.

Early polls this cycle suggest that the Republic is unhappy with the way the Senate has been handling current crises such as the economic recession from the collapse of D’Astran Legacy Bank, the unchecked rise of totalitarianism in the Third Estate along the northern border, the outbreak of war in the Thanium Sector, and the rise of piracy out of Hutt Space to the east and south. Political analyst Sytaph Paar shared his thoughts on Chancellor Rei’s announcement.

It’s very politically savvy. Even as a moderate, Chancellor Rei is a War Hawk. He wants what’s best not only for the Republic but for his party. Right now the polls are swinging in the favor of the War Hawks with the crisis in the Back Reach and Thanium. People are seeing the injustice going on right in our back-yard and they want us to intervene. By stepping down now Chancellor Rei can do so being confident that a successor will be a member of his party, solidifying War Hawk leadership for at least the next senatorial cycle if not longer.

Polls are showing that the Diplomat party is struggling to maintain energy on domestic policies in the face of international tensions that have been on the rise. The War Hawks in several polls look as if they stand to make some major gains stymied only by the increase in the popularity, too, of the Free Soiler movement as anxieties increase about security in sectors along the border.

Several Senators have already announced their intentions to run for the Chancellorship after Naka Rei’s announcement, including Vice Chancellor Seema Kaur who has been seen as Rei’s protégé for the station,

Chancellor Rei’s announcement today does not come as a shock, having worked with him every day for the last eight cycles in the highest office, but I am nonetheless saddened now that it’s official. Nonetheless, having worked in the executive office, I am officially campaigning to the people of the Republic, and my colleagues in the Senate, to step into his shoes and continue the work he and I have been doing to bring together a common vision for our Republic, curtail violence in the outer rim, and bring economic prosperity at home. To do this, I seek to continue to update the Republic navy and army forces, train new divisions of special forces squadrons, and make sure that the Third Estate knows that in no uncertain terms: You will not have a free ticket to forcibly install your will onto any independent systems under an administration helmed by me.

Diplomat Senator Yalook P’oolel from the Er’Kit system announced his intention to run for a third time.

The state of the Galaxy is turbulent. Continued silence and isolation from the Empire, the growing strength of our allies in the League of Sovereign Systems is challenged daily by well-equipped state sponsored terrorists, pirates, and mercenaries coming out of Hutt Space by the Triellus League. The Republic is in no position to act as warden, security, or police for the whole Galaxy. We need to cooperate with our friends and allies internationally rather than take on the burden of galactic security all on our own. Most importantly, we need to make sure that we have full employment, full housing, and full healthcare to every Republican citizen in our nation, something we’ve yet to achieve.

Freshman Free Soiler Senator and Dustig Sector native Nawanh Poshma announced his intention to run for the executive office.

The solution to the domestic economic crisis is for sectors to handle their own economies more directly, rather than having to always force our needs through Coruscant. The solution to our security concerns is for sector governors to have increased control over stronger local security forces. The solution to the gaps in education, employment, and wage can only be addressed on local levels by the people closest to those problems: sector governments! Federal oversight has been stifling, disinterested, and obstructionist to the needs of the people by the rim for decades! It’s time to reclaim our local power in the face of federal overreach.

Analysts indicate that Kaur has an early lead. The overlapping interests of isolationism that both the Diplomats and Free Soilers share threaten to split their vote unless both parties can come together in a coalition to choose a candidate that they both can agree on to overcome the projected majority of the War Hawks in the upcoming senatorial session.

Reporting from the Senate Dome, I’m Quan Regal of the Associated Presses

446.22 // Third Estate Claims “Protective Measures” in Sertar Sector

Claiming pre-emptive measures to contain the Stenax expansionary movements, the Third Estate has deployed its fleets into the fragmented Sertar Sector. Of the just under two dozen major star systems in the sector, only four systems have the population and planetary defense forces to object to the move in any meaningful way. Using the threat of violence, the Third Estate has strong-armed every planet they’ve come into the orbit of to sign annexation treaties while their warships hover in the horizon with their cannons pointed downward.

EckCzar Vahn Goreing made this announcement upon the deployment of his naval forces,

The Third Estate recognizes the existential threat that the Stenax pose to our sovereignty, as well as the security of every sector around the Spadja Sector. Because of this, we are deploying our fleets as a deterrent into the Sertar Sector to deter the young Emperor Xenphalan from permitting his people unrestricted wanton destruction to all of their neighbors in the pursuit of violent expansion. Worry not beings of the Sertar Sector, the Third Estate will protect you.

Republic military analysts predict that it will only be a few weeks before 80% of the sector is fully annexed by the Third Estate, with only the Qalydon, Tervissis, Uziel, and Sembla systems having the ability to mobilize their local security forces to at least stall the process of annexation. Even so, even these planets have publicly declared to the galaxy at large their inability to remain independent for the long term,

High Priest Salnem Heleef of the Fellowship of Kooroo, the theocratic government of Qalydon, made this plea to the great powers of the galaxy,

The Fellowship of Kooroo does not have the military, political, or economic means to maintain its independence versus a multi-sector galactic state on the scale of the Third Estate. It’s clear that, within rotations, our system will be an island within the blasteel curtain that will be drawn around our solitary star. Our continued independence can only be secured by the direct intervention of other galactic powers on our behalf. If the galactic community remains silent, our government, culture, society, and way of life will vanish under that veil that has covered, and will continue to cover, the galactic northwest until all is submerged in darkness.

Nonetheless, the hearts and minds of the majority of the Republic Senate are unmoved. Diplomat Senator Yalook P’oolel of the Noonian Sector,

Our hearts go out to the people living in the shadow of violence created by the unprovoked Stenax assault in Thanium and Sertar. For myself, and my party, I know that we would consider sending indirect intervention on their behalf in the form of weapons and supplies upon the condition we see these worlds organize any meaningful resistance to this incursion into their sovereignty. The Republic cannot make a policy of supporting those people who cannot, or will not, support themselves. Were we to commit economically or militarily to every lost cause in the outer-rim the Republic would be endlessly embroiled in conflicts that will drain our resources and cost the lives of our people. If either Thanium or Sertar can prove it will stand on its own, my party will consider supporting them.

Free Soiler Senator Nawanh Poshma from the Dustig Sector,

Time and again the Republic continues to hear from planets out along the rim of the Galaxy, ‘we will not survive without your intervention!’ Yet, never before an international crisis like this do we hear from these sovereign worlds. Never do we hear, ‘we have interest in joining your union!’, never do we hear, ‘we value the freedoms of your constitution, and we will sign!’. No! We do not hear these things. My party is not going to support fair weather systems who only want the Republic when it’s convenient for them! Let them show their loyalty to us before we give even a single credit to this situation they’ve put themselves into!

Meanwhile, the War Hawks are staunchly advocating for a blank check to Thanium and Sertar. Senator Boonka Illeeb from the Herglic Space sector,

Have my colleagues in the honorable camps of the Free Soilers and Diplomats not learned from our history? If we allow these wanton warlords to get away with any and all acts of aggression we abide a festering wound outside our borders that will continue to grow, metastasize, and eventually consume so much that they have nowhere left to turn but towards us! Then who will we have to support us in war? We need to not only espouse our values, but act on them! Rally behind those who face oppression, war, and death! Don’t encourage our great Republic to stand idly on the sidelines and watch while devastation unfolds!

Admiral Haseem Abdul of the 1st fleet commented before the Senate Armed Services Committee his skepticism about the effectiveness of armed intervention in the first place,

The Republic Military has first strike capability anywhere in the Galaxy within twenty-four hours of receiving orders. With that said, should the Senate want to intervene in the Sertar Sector there is every reasonable possibility that doing so will instigate direct conflict with the Third Estate. Should the Senate authorize this, it must do so knowing that it’s my professional opinion it will lead to war and escalate violence in the region, possibly drawing other interested parties into the conflict. Additionally, because we will be deploying without direct provocation to our own interests, the argument that the war would be considered ‘defensive’ could be considered dubious by other members of the “Triple Entente” and we may not be able to count on the support of the Empire, Jedi, or League of Sovereign Systems in this matter.

This is Andee Nevaro reporting from Thanium

446.18 // Thanium Sector Under Threat!

En route home from Lianna, where the Thanium diplomatic campus has been in session for the last cycle, Emperor Hautrn died of natural causes. Before his passing, he made this speech to the assembled worlds of Thanium,

My time in this galaxy is quickly coming to a close. Throughout my life, I’ve lived in the shadow of a painful legacy that looms over the histories of both our sectors. To many outside of Spadja and Thanium, they ask why blood feuds from four centuries ago should still run so deep? They tell us to move past our differences, to let go of that past. Those people outside of our worlds mean well when they say so, but they do not understand the depths of tradition, of pride, of pain, and of legacy that our shared past of conqueror and conquered brings to our now.
For my part, I recognize the terrors of genocide that my immediate ancestors imparted upon yours. There is no excuse, no words that can be said to soothe the still open wounds or speed the healing of many peoples. Nonetheless, I’m here to offer what words that I can in pursuit of that goal, despite the perceived futility. On behalf of my people…

I am sorry. We were wrong. We are wrong.

As I speak, a conservative movement on my world has been gathering power and support among many of my people and within my government. When I am gone, which will be in the near future, they will have the means and ability to act on their doctrine of returning the Stenax people to the forefront of power in our galactic neighborhood.
They plan to do so at the expense of your worlds, as my ancestors did centuries ago. They plan to do so with the help of foreign powers and criminals who have been illegally supplying them with ships, weapons, ammunition, and supplies. They plan to do so to reclaim a glory that never was, in a way that will never bear the fruit they seek. Their plan will only further tarnish the future of our species and our world.

You, together, assembled as one, have the capacity to hold off this oncoming storm. To defend yourselves versus those of my people who have been so indoctrinated, misled, and taken in by this extremist ideology. Alone, each of you will fall to the superior numbers, technology, and training of the Stenax naval and army forces. I beseech you all. Whatever it takes to unify, whatever you must give up… Do so. Do so to insure the continued freedom that your forebears understood the sweetness of once released from the yolk of my violent ancestors. Do so, so that your children will grow up so accustomed to that flavor of freedom that they know no other feeling.

Come together to stand free, or fall under oppression alone. Only you may decide.

Even as the Emperor spoke, the Hobors of Tahlboor and the Alzarian Monarchy have opened embassies on Feena, the capital planet of the Third Estate, in order to establish closer ties to the autocratic government who has promised any Thanium planet protection in exchange for annexation. While neither group has formally agreed to join EckCzar Vahn Goreing’s regime, they have begun to engage in negotiations with interest to do so.

In response, Sooman Queen Cainen Qeel has mobilized the Royal Navy of Sooma to increase patrols along the borders of their vassal Alzar. This has already resulted in a dramatic increase of skirmishes between the two species as the Alzarians continue a Quasi-War of independence to break their status as vassal under the Sooman regime. Meanwhile, reports of increased raids from Hobor clans against the Troobs on Tahlboor have been building a sense of inevitability of a civil war on their planet.

As invasion from the Spadja sector already has begun as advanced Stenax forces have moved in to occupy the unpopulated Rhen Var system to set up planetary and orbital supply lines for further incursions into Thanium. Every major planetary system in the Thanium Sector has begun to reassess their options. Perceived apathy on the part of the Republic Ambassador leaves their choices between attempting to unify the disparate and culturally divided worlds within the sector, or to reluctantly take the extended hand of the Autocratic EckCzar Goreing and surrender their independence voluntarily rather than through a violent subjugation.

Reporting from Lianna, this is Andee Navaro.