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449.11 // The Quasar Solstice

With the festivities about to begin, people throughout the Core and Inner Rim are preparing to celebrate this rare galactic event. Meanwhile, the scientific community, along with the scholars of the Jedi Order, are getting ready to study the phenomenon in hopes of further understanding its occurrence.

Commonly known as the “Quasar Solstice,” the official name given by astronomers is “Quasar Combustion” or “Quasar Flash Point.” This rare phenomenon is known to occur at an unstable frequency, with the time lapse between each active period ranging from around a decade to several centuries. The last known Quasar Combustion occurred more than four centuries ago, though there are ancient records of the same event occurring within a few years.

Although full comprehension of the phenomenon remains a mystery, both the scientific community and the Jedi Order have their respective opinions on its meaning. Jedi Knight Da’luk Qinari of the Circle of First Knowledge has been working closely with the scientists of the Coruscanti and Corellian universities. Regarding their research, Master Qinari quoted the following:

“After years of studying this phenomenon and performing countless calculations, scientists have agreed that the Quasar Flash Point is actually a sequence of gas ignitions. The Astronomy team explains that the dense gases gathered around the Galactic core reach a point where the pressure becomes so high that the gases ignite in a series of combustions. These combustions release waves of light, continuing until all the gas is used up. This process creates the steady light that we see spreading across the Core and the inner Rim of the Galaxy.”

Meanwhile, from the perspective of the Order, Jedi Knight Rozea Lhot of the Circle of First Knowledge stated the following:

“I have spoken with Master Qinari and fully understand the reasoning of the scientists. While I do not oppose their views, Master Mal and I firmly believe there is more to this phenomenon than any method or technology of modern civilization can reveal. In fact, I encourage everyone to focus during this event, and I am certain they will feel a wave of peace and warmth embracing them. With the never-ending cycle between the Living Force and the Cosmic Force, we can only assume that this occurrence is a burst of living energy released into the Galaxy to maintain the Balance. The reasons behind this instance are still unknown to us, as are many aspects of the Force.”

No matter the reasons behind it, it is an event worth honoring. On the afternoon of 449.12 ABY, let everyone take a glimpse at the sky and celebrate, each in their own way.