JEDI HoloNet

Leto Sevatar


Homeworld: Wrea

Species: Human


The Sevatar family was a moderately wealthy noble house on Serenno, according to age-old records found in the private datapads of Leto’s father, Garrett. Their modest fortune, at least by the standards of greater houses, was built through carefully crafted trade agreements and loans to small entrepreneurs. No one knows precisely why Leto’s ancestors left the lucrative and prosperous world of commerce that was Serenno, but some speculate that it was to avoid becoming entangled in the age-old skirmishes that eventually erupted into open conflict between the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems. More malicious speculators claim that Leto’s forebears were fervent supporters of the war against the Republic, showing ruthless behaviour in their quest to amass wealth during the profitable Clone Wars, resorting to blackmail, forgery, and even violent elimination of competitors. In the end, they supposedly drew the ire of the new imperial system of repression that emerged at the war’s end, replacing the former planetary authority and leading to the exile—or rather, the flight—of the Sevatar family in fear of retribution. However, this version of events is staunchly denied by Leto’s family and is essentially unknown to the young man.

Regardless of what truly transpired, those ancient events led to the Sevatar family becoming wandering star traders, losing their former standing in society. This loss has become the driving motivation for the successive generations of these stellar nomads, who long to restore the wealth and prestige their family once held. It’s essential to emphasize, despite the less flattering rumours, that Leto’s ancestors were honourable people who did not exploit their neighbours or business partners in times of need. After all, losing 200 credits to gain the loyalty of a business associate is often a very stylish transaction indeed. These skills of calculation, weighing profits and losses, and considering investments were instilled in Leto from a young age by his dear father, Garrett. Even in his early youth, Leto began to enjoy and gradually embrace this path as his own, watching his father’s actions and absorbing every word he spoke as if it were gospel truth. Thus, step by step, he started to delve into the mysteries of business and prepared to take over the family company, which could promise a bright future in a galaxy that finally seemed to have taken a calmer breath on its tumultuous historical journey.

From a very young age, Leto had a knack for anything composed of screws, metallic veins in the form of live wires, and metal casings. He received his basic education in this field from his beloved mother, Aribeth Sevatar, whose small yet incredibly dexterous and skilful hands were responsible for maintaining the family ship in perfect technical condition. This ship was not only their home but also constantly on the move, as the boy had the chance to accompany his parents on their voyages across the League of Sovereign Systems, delivering orders and slowly increasing the family budget. It was through the gentle nature of the woman who bore him that Leto gradually overcame the challenges of small and sometimes larger repairs, provided he was given time to think and work, as Leto wasn’t very good at handling pressure.
Sitting in the cockpit during star journeys, Leto would often listen to his father Garrett’s teachings about the family’s purpose. Yet, very few of these complex topics and stories made sense to him; he hoped that one day his mind would grasp them when he becomes older. For some reason, though, much of what he heard stayed with him. Perhaps it was because these were more than mere family legends—they were parables that his ancestors had tried to live by for centuries.

– “Is the thirst for blood and the desire to exterminate those who have wronged us the only path to vengeance? Must we let our grievances dictate the rest of our lives, becoming a new moral compass guiding our goals? Of course not, though these are the easiest and most obvious choices. After all, when you’ve lost nearly everything, it’s easy to be a coward and choose to live the life of a martyr when you lack the courage to start anew.”
– “Our ancestors didn’t intend to surrender or devote their lives to a vendetta over the injustice that befell our family. The Separatists, to whom our lineage belonged, lost the war, and in the process, their lands, fortunes, and often their lives were taken. So what? Would rushing into the nearest Imperial outpost with a blaster, targeting the descendants of those who once ruled Serenno with an iron fist, change anything? Would the loss of life by a young, nameless boy truly elicit even a sympathetic sigh or a sincere tear when the galaxy, in its vastness, is littered with similar stories resulting from wars that repeat like the turning of an hourglass?”
– “No, no, no! The time for heroes constantly comes and goes just as quickly, but before they can restore order, the ground must be prepared for them. Parts, raw materials, blasters, speeders, armour, energy shields—someone has to acquire all of this and then transport it, right? Someone must keep an eye on the ever-changing market prices to buy low and sell high, slowly rebuilding the Sevatar fortune, which, in due time, will serve up a classic measure of revenge on the galaxy and restore prestige to our family name by elevating the heir of a disgraced house to galactic prominence!”
– “But that’s still a long way off, a very long way off, and time is money—so we must act! Fire up the engines, load the cargo hold to the brim, and, taking advantage of the grey areas in the League of Sovereign Systems’ law, slowly build our fortune!”

Leto heard similar monologues many times, often in the presence of his mother, who smiled indulgently, having a more realistic approach to life and simply wanting to live comfortably with her family. However, their next landing on their homeworld – Wrea, was different from the previous ones. This time, a man awaited Leto’s father at the spaceport, a man the boy didn’t have a good chance to observe, yet couldn’t take his eyes off. Leto vividly remembered his mother’s incredible anger, as she categorically refused to agree to the suggestion that Leto should accompany this stranger who had appeared out of nowhere on a journey. Garrett insisted, however, saying that this was the opportunity they had been waiting for for generations—the moment when someone from the Sevatar family would achieve more than anyone had ever dreamed. That same evening, Leto’s parents instructed him to write to them as often as possible, and they promised to visit him at the first possible opportunity and with the permission of something they called “The Jedi Order,” which to Leto was more of a fairy tale and legend than a reality. Despite his love for his parents and the prospect of separation from them, the young boy felt no resistance to embarking on this new adventure. After all, wasn’t this the best business opportunity he had ever heard of?