380 ABY – Leaving A Void
380.01 ABY – Zakarie Di’Vosk is granted a seat on the High Council.
380.04 ABY – Iffo Rav’i returns to the Rannon Praxeum.
380.04 ABY – Ber-til Keztor transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
380.05 ABY – Sulla Aenecs departs the Rannon Praxeum.
380.07 ABY – Spatch and Dorian Reyn depart the Rannon Praxeum.
380.19 ABY – Klary Vals is apprenticed to Heron Liagri.
380.21 ABY – Narael Undine returns to the Rannon Praxeum.
380.23 ABY – Kir Darnic is apprenticed to Trin Oniron, Tiber Reman transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
381.06 ABY – Caerith Lhot is initiated.
381.07 ABY – Tanet’k Rethin transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
381.07 ABY – Narael Undine is reinstated as Zakarie Di’Vosk’s apprentice; Rothel Janoo is apprenticed by Vlihu Civuq.
381.14 ABY – Estelwen Rha is apprenticed by Ber-til Keztor.
381.20 ABY – Sadjoo Hawieedu transfers to the Ilum branch; Tanet’k Rethin transfers to the Rannon branch; Iffo Rav’i is granted a seat on the Council; Iffo Rav’i transfers to the Dantooine branch; Yyn Zet Ari transfers to the Rannon branch to replace the Council position; Tycho Varga becomes a Masterless Padawan.
381.21 ABY – Serbithar Muunen is initiated.
381.24 ABY – Joran Fayara transfers to the Rannon Praxeum; Rhuacca is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
381.30 ABY – Nidus Tal’vo is initiated; Vinara is initiated.
382.02 ABY – Metan Nivaul becomes a Masterless Padawan.
382.10 ABY – Lystra Hale is apprenticed to Aiden Kezeron.
382.11 ABY – Dariun Antane departs the Rannon Praxeum.
382.16 ABY – Caerith Lhot is apprenticed to Tiber Reman.
382.21 ABY – Vara’lkori’sabosen departs the Rannon Praxeum; Heron Liagri is demoted to the rank of Jedi Adept; Xayr’ka Atreus is granted a seat on the Council.
382.22 ABY – Heron Liagri departs the Rannon Praxeum.
382.23 ABY – Shu Ra transfers to the Rannon Praxeum; Nidus Tal’vo is apprenticed to Yyn Zet Ari.
382.24 ABY – Narael Undine and Qi’la Mydanil become Masterless Padawans; Aranna Vaan is apprenticed to Rhuacca.
382.27 ABY – Jaqobi Dosunn is Initiated; Kiara O’ren is Initiated.
382.30 ABY – Tanet’k Rethin is apprenticed to Xayr’ka Atreus.
383.03 ABY – Meep Trop is Initiated.
383.04 ABY – Drax transfers to the Rannon Praxeum; Jacen Solborne transfers to the Rannon Praxeum; Joran Fayara is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
383.06 ABY – Cecilio Ventus is apprenticed to Joran Fayara
383.07 ABY – Guillo Flickant is initiated.
383.10 ABY – Timo Kuhn transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
383.15 ABY – Qi’la Mydanil is apprenticed to Dreshin Bralor.
383.17 ABY – Levi Astra is lost to the Order.
383.18 ABY – Narael Undine is apprenticed to Drax.
383.19 ABY – Serbithar Muunen is apprenticed to Rhuacca; Marek Izu is initiated.
383.21 ABY – Rothel Janoo becomes a Masterless Padawan.
384.01 ABY – Emma Vilume is initiated.
384.07 ABY – Jaqobi Dosunn is apprenticed to Shu Ra.
384.10 ABY – Tiber Reman departs the Rannon Praxeum; Caerith Lhot becomes a Masterless Padawan; Estelwen Rha becomes a Masterless Padawan.
384.19 ABY – Guillo Flickant departs the Rannon Praxeum; Estelwen Rha is apprenticed by Nodo Salar; Qi’la Mydanil departs the Rannon Praxeum.
384.28 ABY – Vania Fost becomes a Masterless Padawan.
384.30 ABY – Sirius Invictus is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
385.08 ABY – Mairelis Augustian is initiated.
385.14 ABY – Vinara departs the Rannon Praxeum.
385.25 ABY – Joar Hasmal is Initiated; Fenn Rahm is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Valgam Freestar is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
385.27 ABY – Panu Borawu is apprenticed to Drax.
386.01 ABY – Initiate Syriss transfers to the Rannon Praxeum; Kiara O’ren is apprenticed to Sirius Invictus; Padawan Alyx transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
386.05 ABY – Meep Trop passes the Initiate trials and obtains the rank of Padawan; Timo Kuhn departs the Rannon Praxeum.
386.06 ABY – Klary Vals departs the Rannon Praxeum; Rowan Stryx is initiated.
386.08 ABY – Narael Undine becomes a Masterless Padawan.
386.14 ABY – Jaqobi Dosunn departs the Rannon Praxeum; Tatiana Damask is transferred to the Agricultural Corps.
386.17 ABY – Zakarie Di’Vosk transfers to the Dantooine branch; Tayyk Ozk’euun transfers to the Rannon branch; Caerith Lhot is apprenticed to Tayyk Ozk’euun.
387.09 ABY – Tharon Jivler becomes a Masterless Padawan; Cael Dan’kor becomes one with the force.; Emma Vilume is apprenticed to Xayr’ka Atreus.
387.10 ABY – Syriss is apprenticed to Valgam Freestar.
387.11 ABY – Serir Vun is initiated.
387.14 ABY – Lystra Hale becomes a Masterless Padawan.
387.15 ABY – Xin Okata transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
387.18 ABY – Sirius Invictus is granted a seat on the Council. Shaegoth Ulthan is initiated. Vania Starr left the Order.
387.22 ABY – Rothel Janoo leaves the Order. Padawan Sena Vel transfers to the Rannon Praxeum
387.23 ABY – Metan Nivaul leaves the Order. Talnath Ileybur is initiated. Tiber Reman returns to the Rannon Praxeum. Darlyna is initiated.
387.27 ABY – Tharon Jivler is apprenticed to Xin Okata.
388.03 ABY – Aiden Kezeron is exiled from the Jedi Order.
388.12 ABY – Geminae and Nulla Zil transfer to the Rannon Praxeum. Kadvarr Tirladdik leaves the Order.
388.17 ABY – Zechs Demming steps down from the High Council.
388.21 ABY – Trin Oniron becomes one with the Force.
388.22 ABY – Serir Vun is apprenticed to Joran Fayara; Joar Hasmal is apprenticed to Fenn Rahm.
388.27 ABY – Sena Vel departs the Rannon Praxeum.
388.28 ABY – Maeve Lothaire leaves the Order; Nodo Salar is granted a seat on the Council; Marek Izu is apprenticed to Dreshin Bralor.
388.29 ABY – Yyn Zet Ari is granted a seat on the High Council.
389.07 ABY – Tayyk Ozk’euun departs the Rannon Praxeum; Caerith Lhot becomes a Masterless Padawan.
389.08 ABY – Ber-til Keztor departs the Rannon Praxeum.
389.28 ABY – Tanet’k Rethin becomes a Masterless Padawan.
389.31 ABY – Shaegoth Ulthan departs the Rannon Praxeum; Silene Astra-Oniron is initiated.
390.07 ABY – Estelwen Rha departs the Rannon Praxeum; Cecillio Ventus becomes a Masterless Padawan.
390.08 ABY – Tharon Jivler becomes a Masterless Padawan; Xayr’ka Atreus is granted a seat on the High Council; Sirius Invictus is granted a seat on the High Council.
390.10 ABY – Xintr Wolfe is initiated.
390.12 ABY – Narael Undine is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
390.13 ABY – Cecilio Ventus departs the Rannon Praxeum.
390.17 ABY – Morgan Voss is initiated.
389.19 ABY – Vlihu Civuq departs the Rannon Praxeum; Mairelis Augustian departs the Rannon Praxeum.
389.26 ABY – Isane Fenris departs the Rannon Praxeum; Flipp departs the Rannon Praxeum; Jacen Solborne departs Rannon Praxeum.
390.01 ABY – Tenal Keleko departs the Rannon Praxeum.
390.03 ABY – Silene Astra-Oniron is apprenticed to Shu Ra.
391.10 ABY – Tribo Orana transfers to Rannon Praxeum from Grandmaster Don’roqs personal care.
391.12 ABY – Serir Vun becomes a Masterless Padawan.
391.24 ABY – Tharon Jivler is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
391.25 ABY – Xintr Wolfe is apprenticed to Narael Undine.
392.10 ABY – Rannon is lost to the void; Lystra Hale and Joran Fayara become one with the force; Tribo Orana disappears.