337 ABY – The Imperium War
337.29 ABY – Rui Vuusen is killed at the Battle of Arkania.
338.01 ABY – Jen-Da is initiated.
338.02 ABY – Jago Mirax becomes a Masterless Padawan.
338.03 ABY – Maia Rimora is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
338.04 ABY – Jerex Sol is apprenticed to Sebastin Creed.
338.14 ABY – Niko Inaru, Athan Marr and Galen Sol are promoted to Novice Padawan; Elensa Jari is apprenticed to Maia Rimora; Duncan Therin is initiated; Galen Sol is apprenticed to Silas Vir’n.
338.15 ABY – Rorik Vakanlore tranfers to the Yavin IV Temple.
338.16 ABY – Athan Marr is apprenticed to Nico Keztor.
338.17 ABY – Zuri Lyn is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Zander-Bo Umra is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Arven Silaan is granted the rank of Jedi Master; Lofbacca is apprenticed to Shaok Panek.
338.18 ABY – Karmarie Zar is promoted to Novice Padawan; Dithaal is promoted to Novice Padawan.
338.24 ABY – Grokh’torr Eikh’mir and Rhuk’torr Eikh’mir depart from the Yavin IV Temple.
338.25 ABY – Durindfire is initiated.
338.26 ABY – Jago Mirax is apprenticed to Kieran Orion.
339.06 ABY – Tergos Zemnos is lost at the Battle of Bastion.
339.09 ABY – Karmarie Zar is apprenticed to Arven Silaan; Aslyn Denethorn returns to the Yavin IV Temple.
339.19 ABY – Wik Maro and Mohindrah Maitri transfer to the Ossus Temple.
340.14 ABY – The Yavin IV branch relocates to the Rannon Praxeum; Elensa Jari is killed by the Sith on Yavin IV.
340.18 ABY – Elouise-Claire Flynn departs the Rannon Praxeum.
340.20 ABY – Jerex Sol is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Wen Ordo is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
340.21 ABY – Arven Silaan and Cael Dan’kor are granted seats on the Rannon Council; Mirkal is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Krei’dexx’onubi is initiated.
340.22 ABY – Lorn Vitrae and Srus’Fevim depart the Rannon Praxeum.
340.23 ABY – Kro’jan Touru, Durindfire, and Vathius Krai are promoted to Novice Padawan; Durindfire is apprenticed to Bo Iiln.
340.26 ABY – Van Thoon departs the Rannon Praxeum.
340.27 ABY – Kro’jan Touru is apprenticed to Cael Dan’kor; Dithaal is apprenticed to Delmi N’jork.
340.28 ABY – Wrennin Vae is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
341.07 ABY – Barric Plutan returns to the Rannon Praxeum.
341.10 ABY – Deija Quor, Ilaine Strias, and Duncan Therin are promoted to Novice Padawan; Deija Quor is apprenticed to Aslyn Denethorn.
341.16 ABY – Claude Varron is apprenticed to Mirkal.
341.26 ABY – Syrena Exan returns to the Rannon Praxeum; Amalia Feyn and Cael Dan’kor are granted the rank of Jedi Master; Darael Febri is initiated.
341.28 ABY – Amalia Feyn and Alehk Thol are granted seats on the High Council; Aslyn Denethorn is granted the rank of Jedi Master.
341.29 ABY – Sebastin Creed passes away from natural causes.
341.30 ABY – Vathius Krai is apprenticed to Jerex Sol.
342.06 ABY – Cerez Kay is initiated; Voh Phaar is initiated; Isane Fenris is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
342.08 ABY – Iffo Rav’i is initiated.
342.17 ABY – Jel’a Vra is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
342.19 ABY – Jen-Da departs the Rannon Praxeum.
342.23 ABY– Virtuo Alegan departs the Rannon Praxeum; Korona Rihera transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
342.27 ABY – Bo Iiln transfers to the Ossus Temple.
343.01 ABY – Aelon Besarat is initiated; Krei’dexx’onubi is apprenticed to Coren Ran; Voh Phaar is apprenticed to Wen Ordo.
343.02 ABY – Duncan Therin is apprenticed to Motoko Isawa; Iffo Rav’i is apprenticed to Maia Rimora; Cerez Kay is apprenticed to Jel’a Vra; Karmarie Zar is apprenticed to Zander-bo Umra.
343.04 ABY – Jago Mirax is apprenticed to Aslyn Denethorn.
343.14 ABY – Salvong is initiated.
343.15 ABY – Barric Plutan departs the Rannon Praxeum.
343.16 ABY – Aelon Besarat is apprenticed to Wrennin Vae.
343.25 ABY – Salvong is apprenticed to Syrena Exan.
343.26 ABY – Evanin Dawnstar, Darael Febri, Lofbacca and Zarios are deployed to Balamak to assist in the reconstitution of the Agricultural Corps (AgriCorps); Niko Inaru and Durindfire resign from the Jedi Order; Var Dalledos transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
343.28 ABY – Nero Uzuhi transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
344.07 ABY – Silas Vir’n is deployed to help with the reconstitution of Ilum.
344.08 ABY – Cero Rooi transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
344.10 ABY – Cerez Kay departs the Rannon Praxeum.
345.05 ABY – Kieran Orion departs the Rannon Praxeum.
345.17 ABY – Kyrios Vox departs the Rannon Praxeum.
345.30 ABY – Koh Zin and Neyl Schin’zar are initiated.
346.02 ABY – Zechs Demming transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
346.03 ABY – Krei’dexx’onubi and Rorik Vakanlore depart the Rannon Praxeum, Kha Rae transfers to the Rannon branch.
346.06 ABY – Aslyn Denethorn departs the Rannon Praxeum.
346.09 ABY – Keth Flynn is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; The Exploration Corps Vessel Alacrity returns to Republic space and rejoins with the Jedi Order.
346.10 ABY – Arven Silaan departs the Rannon Praxeum; Salvong is deployed to the Agricultural Corp.
346.12 ABY – Var Dalledos is apprenticed to Syrena Exan.
346.15 ABY – Athan Marr returns to the Rannon Praxeum.
346.19 ABY – Karmarie Zar is apprenticed to Cael Dan’kor.
346.22 ABY – Miila Vai is initiated; Reina Arlos is initiated.
346.23 ABY – Zyla Kenuwa is initiated.
346.24 ABY – Norin Pendrahan is initiated.
346.25 ABY – Khatla Merie returns to the Rannon Praxeum.
346.28 ABY – Maia Rimora departs the Rannon Praxeum; Renn’ziveri transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
346.29 ABY – Halym Khoda transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.
346.30 ABY – Dorian Vai is initiated; Rash Loist passes away from natural causes.
347.01 ABY – Krask is initiated; Iffo Rav’i is apprenticed to Wrennin Vae.
347.09 ABY – Zechs Demming is promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight; Nero Uzuhi departs the Rannon Praxeum.
347.12 ABY – Krask is apprenticed to Wen Ordo.
347.13 ABY – Miila Vai is apprenticed to Jerex Sol.
347.14 ABY – Shaok Panek and Deija Quor depart the Rannon Praxeum.
347.15 ABY – Dithaal is promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight; Jago Mirax is promoted to the rank of Jedi Knight.
347.17 ABY – Wolo Tay is initiated; Saren Kast is initiated.
347.18 ABY – Lex Xandret is initiated; Aelon Beserat departs the Rannon Praxeum.
347.20 ABY – Soran Rex transfers to the Rannon Praxeum; Kieran Orion is killed at the Battle of Dantooine.
347.21 ABY – Nemo Karevor is initiated.
347.24 ABY – Tyr Sidorov transfers to the Rannon Praxeum; Tiiona Alorr is initiated; Claude Varron becomes a Masterless Padawan.
347.25 ABY – Reina Arlos is apprenticed to Amalia Feyn.
347.26 ABY – Duncan Therin becomes a Masterless Padawan.
347.28 ABY – Simus Cnydaria is deployed to oversee the reconstitution of the Dantooine branch; Saburine Eldahna becomes a Masterless Padawan; Claude Varron is apprenticed to Syrena Exan.
347.29 ABY – Jel’a Vra departs the Rannon Praxeum.
348.02 ABY – Syrena Exan is granted a seat on the Rannon Council.
348.05 ABY – Miila Vai transfers to the Ossus Temple; Tergos Zemnos is killed at the Battle of Bastion.
348.11 ABY – Halym Khoda departs the Rannon Praxeum.
348.16 ABY – Zyla Kenuwa is apprenticed to Dithaal; Saren Kast is apprenticed to Jago Mirax.
348.20 ABY – Koh Zin departs the Rannon Praxeum.
348.22 ABY – Korona Rihera transfers to the Ossus Temple.
348.31 ABY – Reina Arlos transfers to the Ossus Temple; Arven Silaan returns to the Rannon Praxeum.
349.03 ABY – Aiden Kezeron is initiated.
349.19 ABY – Lex Xandret is apprenticed to Dithaal.
349.21 ABY – Ilaine Strias departs the Rannon Praxeum.
349.24 ABY – Des Anaro departs the Rannon Praxeum.
349.26 ABY – Yelana Al’blis is initiated.
349.28 ABY – Wolo Tay is apprenticed to Coren Ran.
350.05 ABY – Dorian Vai departs the Rannon Praxeum.
350.19 ABY – Aslyn Denethorn returns to the Rannon Praxeum.
350.21 ABY –Alehk Thol is killed; The Dark Lord of the Sith is defeated; The One Sith is officially dissolved; Tiiona Alorr returns to Corellia.