JEDI HoloNet

424ABY –

424.25 ABY – The war with the Wyld Empire draws to a close with the formation of the League of Sovereign Systems, an alliance of the worlds primarily affected by the conflict.

424.25 ABY – Mako Kogane is initiated into the Jedi Order.

424.26 ABY – Dexen Cass takes a Leave of Absence from the Jedi Order, and departs from Rannon.

424.27 ABY – Xintr Wolfe takes a leave of absence from the Rannon Praxeum. Zyli Hiden becomes a Masterless Padawan.

425.02 ABY – Zamos K’nde transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.

425.10 ABY – Iffo Rav’i returns to the Rannon Praxeum.

425.11 ABY – Aren Kelpor becomes a Masterless Padawan.

426.28 ABY – Sai Lys Osi transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.

428.03 ABY – Nath departs the Rannon Praxeum.

428.26 ABY – Minoda Darkrider & Aren Kelpor are granted the rank of Jedi Knight.

429.06 ABY – Lucen-zo departs the Rannon Praxeum.

429.16 ABY – Zhu’shk is initiated into the Jedi Order.

429.28 ABY – Xintr Wolfe becomes one with the Force.

429.29 ABY – Donan Healof is granted the rank of Jedi Knight. AyyaGella is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.

430.08 ABY – Kuuroc departs the Rannon Praxeum.

430.17 ABY – Tiber Reman departs the Rannon Praxeum.

430.22 ABY – Eli Tzineda is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.

430.25 ABY – Zyli Hiden departs the Rannon Praxeum. Marstal’kley Talkon transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.

430.31 ABY – Zamos K’nde, Wen-Ordo, and Firith’valla depart the Rannon Praxeum.

433.02 ABY – Rizka Barrow is apprenticed to Tsilla Salkyn.

433.16 ABY – Sai Lys Osi & Sivara Upalia are transferred to Agricorps.

433.27 ABY – Ilya Gampassa is apprenticed to Minoda Darkrider.

434.08 ABY – Rhuacca is declared “Missing in Action”, last seen jumping into hyperspace towards the Unknown Regions.

434.09 ABY – Zhu’shk is apprenticed to Eli Tzineda.

434.13 ABY – Pent Desh is granted a seat on the Council.

434.15 ABY – Tyriajab is apprenticed to Donan Healof.

434.16 ABY – Patina Lawrelle departs the Rannon Praxeum.

434.17 ABY – Varlo Racktor, Serir Vun, Tharon Jivler, Nicole Vantane, and Grruvahk Bakh’tor depart the Rannon Praxeum. Nil Zendu becomes a Masterless Padawan. Kiara O’ren is granted the rank of Jedi Master.

434.18 ABY – Myrrkrhkwhrr transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.

435.13 ABY – Virea Leosha and Rhys Cardin are initiated.

435.18 ABY – Nil Zendu is apprenticed to Helayna Bray.

435.26 ABY – Nik Sulor is initiated into the Jedi Order.

435.29 ABY – Iffo Rav’i dies peacefully aged 102.

436.08 ABY – Tarsi Morga returns to the Rannon Praxeum.

436.11 ABY – Tsilla Salkyn departs the Rannon Praxeum. Rizka Barrow becomes a Masterless Padawan.

436.24 ABY – Taneeli Vozo transfers to the Rannon Praxeum.

436.31 ABY – Declan Norris, Sorvali Solusar, Clo’uv’oor, and Torij’Kon are all Initiated into the Jedi Order.

437.01 ABY – Teynara Jeralyr steps down from the Jedi Council.

437.05 ABY – Aranna Vaan steps down from the Jedi Council. Victor Blackheart is promoted to Padawan.

437.11 ABY – Nicole Vantane returns to the Rannon Praxeum.

437.21 ABY – Lars Killan, Vis, and Joc’a Vel are transferred to the Jedi Service Corps.

438.02 ABY – Tarsi Morga is apprenticed to Kiara O’ren.

438.03 ABY – Eluna Mioni is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.

438.10 ABY – Kelsa Marr is initiated into the Jedi Order.

438.12 ABY – Pent Desh is granted a seat on the Jedi High Council.

439.01 ABY – Nil Zendu is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.

439.15 ABY – Virea Leosha departs the Rannon Praxeum.

440.09 ABY – Linton Dorrey is apprenticed to Nil Zendu.

440.11 ABY – Ina’eo’nekri is initiated into the Jedi Order.

440.28 ABY – Teynara Jeralyr, Nicole Vantane, Mars Talkon, Sorvali Solusar, and Nik Sulor depart the Rannon Praxeum.

440.28 ABY – Kansan Katz has transferred to the Rannon Praxeum.

440.28 ABY – Inyri Nast has transferred to the Rannon Praxeum.

441.12 ABY – Rhys Cardin is apprenticed to Minoda Darkrider.

442.05 ABY – Rizka Barrow is apprenticed to Nil Zendu.

442.06 ABY The Rannon Jedi relocate to the new Temple at Duneeden.

442.17 ABY – Rakta Broac transfers from Dantooine to Duneeden.

442.27 ABY – Hal Agdorin and Navrin Tilo are initiated into the Jedi Order.

442.28 ABY – Ina’eo’nekri is apprenticed to Delmi N’jork. Mars Talkon returns to the Duneeden Temple.

442.31 ABY – Varlo Racktor returns to the Duneeden temple following Watchman assignment in the Al’har system.

443.03 ABY – Mako Kogane is apprenticed to Rozea Lhot.

443.05 ABY – Torij’kon is apprenticed to Mirkal.

443.09 ABY – Linton Dorrey departs the Duneeden Temple.

443.19 ABY – AyyaGella, Declan Norris, and Kelsa Marr depart the Duneeden Temple.

444.05 ABY – Minoda Darkrider and Clo’uv’oor depart the Duneeden Temple. Ilya Gampassa and Rhys Cardin become Masterless Padawans.

444.06 ABY – Linton Dorrey returns to the Jedi Temple a Masterless Padawan.

444.11 ABY – TyriaJab becomes a Masterless Padawan.

444.17 ABY – Amani Tokoya and Taelan Vertynn are initiated.

444.31 ABY – Taneeli Vozo departs the Duneeden Temple.

444.31 ABY – Nicole Vantane returns to the Duneeden Temple following a period of guest residency at other Jedi facilities.

445.21 ABY – Ilya Gampassa is apprenticed to Rozea Lhot.

445.24 ABY – Minoda Darkrider returns to the Duneeden Temple.

446.03 ABY – Rakta Broac is apprenticed to Myrrkrhkwhrr.

446.04 ABY – Sirius Invictus is recovered by Kiara O’ren.

447.10 ABY – Emma Vilume, Varlo Racktor, Victor Blackheart, Marstal’kley Talkon, and Hal Agdorin depart the Duneeden Temple.

447.12 ABY – Rhys Cardin departs the Duneeden Temple.

447.23 ABY – Aranna Vaan is exiled from the Jedi Order.

447.25 ABY – Minoda Darkrider is granted a seat on the Council.

447.29 ABY – Nulin Sulor is initiated into the Jedi Order.

448.04 ABY – Donan Healof is exiled from the Jedi Order.

448.09 ABY – Bror Luukston is initiated into the Jedi Order.

448.18 ABY – Vakin Helios is initiated into the Jedi Order.

448.29 ABY – Besk is initiated into the Jedi Order.

449.05 ABY – Miro My’morim is initiated into the Jedi Order.

449.30 ABY – Delmi N’jork departs the Duneeden Temple on an extended mission into the Unknown Regions, Ina’eo’nekri becomes a Masterless Padawan.

450.26 ABY – Jekt Solarr is initiated into the Jedi Order.

450.30 ABY – Helayna Bray, Inyri Nast, Kansan Katz, Myrrkrhkwhrr, and Nicole Vantane depart the Duneeden Temple. Rakta Broac becomes a Masterless Padawan.

451.05 ABY – Leto Sevatar is initiated into the Jedi Order.

451.07 ABY – Leto Sevatar is transferred to the Agricultural Corp.

451.27 ABY – Minoda Darkrider is appointed to the Jedi High Council.

452.09 ABY – Linken Anderson is initiated into the Jedi Order.

452.14 ABY – Amani Tokoya is apprenticed to Eluna Mioni.

452.18 ABY – Linton Dorrey, TyriaJab, Navrin Tilo and Taelan Vertyn depart the Duneeden Temple.

453.07 ABY – Vakin Helios is apprenticed to Pent Desh.

453.09 ABY – Ina’eo’nekri is apprenticed to Eli Tzineda.

453.16 ABY – Yusuke Masashi departs the Duneeden Temple.

453.28 ABY – Zhu’shk is granted the rank of Jedi Knight. Eli Tzineda is granted the rank of Jedi Master.

454.02 ABY – Nil Zendu and Rizka Barrow depart the Duneeden Temple.

454.05 ABY – Besk is apprenticed to Minoda Darkrider.

454.09 ABY – Mako Kogane departs the Duneeden Temple.

454.17 ABY – Rozea Lhot is granted a seat on the Council.

454.20 ABY – Pent Desh steps down from the Jedi Council.

454.31 ABY – Sa-Fira Zeryyt is initiated into the Jedi Order.

455.25 ABY – Nulin Sulor is apprenticed to Zhu’shk.