275-290 ABY – The Attrition Wars
275.01 ABY – Delmi N’jork is apprenticed to Maloush Paroveid.
275.10 ABY – Aldor Arkanous resigns from the Jedi Order.
275.19 ABY – Rokran Vuhdar resigns from the Jedi Order.
276.24 ABY – Garik Kelzim is initiated.
278.02 ABY – The Dantooine Enclave is destroyed by the Mandalorians.
278.06 ABY – Coren Ran is reinstated as a Jedi Knight.
278.13 ABY – Agitt Tanwa is initiated; Imil C Ucindus is initiated
278.25 ABY – Sasha Raven is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Baelin Raddyx is initiated; Eugen Darkrider is initiated; Ergo Stomi is reinstated as a Jedi Knight
279.03 ABY – Sebastin Creed is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Azra’elre’nim is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Kenta is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
279.07 ABY – Ian Prine is apprenticed to Cyril Feeran.
279.13 ABY – The Mandalorians destroy the Yavin IV Praxeum; Nivek Tholmai is killed on Yavin IV; The Yavin IV Jedi flee to the remote ice planet of Alzoc III, where an unfinished Jedi facility is waiting for them.
279.15 ABY – Roan Takk transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
279.17 ABY – Emilia Carizk is transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave; Emilia Carizk is granted a seat on the Alzoc III Council.
279.23 ABY – Tomoran Serevarno transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
279.28 ABY – Valon Rachius is apprenticed to Jamus Kevari.
279.29 ABY – Olim Adasca is apprenticed to Sebastin Creed.
280.06 ABY – Iverian Prey is reinstated as a Jedi Knight.
280.08 ABY – Agitt Tanwa is apprenticed to Sasha Raven.
280.10 ABY – Daereon Daimon is apprenticed to Ergo Stomi.
280.11 ABY – Eugen Darkrider is apprenticed to Nira’kalen’nuruodo; Baelin Raddyx is apprenticed to Simus Cnydaria.
280.16 ABY – Garik Kelzim is apprenticed to Tomoran Serevarno.
280.17 ABY – Illrian Damaris is initiated; Arendur Serevarno is initiated.
280.25 ABY – Jenny Wrix is initiated; Imil C. Ucindus is apprenticed to Azra’elre’nim.
280.29 ABY – Ommar Starfall is apprenticed to Emilia Carizk.
280.31 ABY – Ethan Kase is initiated; Ruluk Okoth is initiated.
281.06 ABY – Herenai Galadan transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave; Zekii Abrak transfers to the Coruscant Temple.
281.07 ABY – Kalo Ryfer transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
281.30 ABY – Tyren Nayrus transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave; Garik Kelzim transfers to the Coruscant Temple.
282.09 ABY – Eugen Darkrider becomes a Masterless Padawan.
282.10 ABY – Illrian Damaris is apprenticed to Aayla Vigil.
282.13 ABY – Ethan Kase is promoted to Padawan.
282.17 ABY – Ralsheend Jhurask transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
282.28 ABY – Yulia Cera transfers to the Coruscant Temple.
282.29 ABY – Arendur Serevarno is promoted to Padawan.
283.09 ABY – Aayla Vigil is granted a seat on the High Council; Arkallon is granted a seat on the High Council; The Council Advisor group is formally dissolved.
283.10 ABY – Eugen Darkrider is apprenticed to Iverian Prey.
283.16 ABY – Ian Prine becomes a Masterless Padawan.
283.24 ABY – Ametha Tasia is granted the rank of Jedi Knight; Kaelen Sekura is killed by the Dark Jedi Eseleno.
283.31 ABY – Rash Loist is granted the rank of Jedi Master; Kiwron Tirladdik is initiated.
284.01 ABY – Sai Akiada transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave; Pamela Kuonn is initiated; Agitt Tanwa becomes a Masterless Padawan.
284.04 ABY – Jenny Wrix is apprenticed to Tomoran Serevarno.
284.05 ABY – Fane Ornn’ila is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
284.13 ABY – Serris K’Ral is initiated.
284.20 ABY – Caleb Quintilian is initiated.
284.28 ABY – Delmi N’jork is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
284.29 ABY – Daereon Daimon is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
285.05 ABY – Cynthia Saaryn transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
285.08 ABY – Serris K’Ral is apprenticed to Ametha Tasia; Ruluk Okoth is apprenticed to Fane Ornn’ila.
285.18 ABY – Atrux Nuro is killed in an explosion.
285.23 ABY – Emilia Carizk transfers to the Coruscant Temple; Ommar Starfall transfers to the Coruscant Temple.
285.30 ABY – Zeak Dystiny is apprenticed to Sai Akiada.
286.01 ABY – Caleb Quintilian is apprenticed to Maloush Paroveid.
286.02 ABY – Aurien Uriah transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
286.16 ABY – Alara Meta is initiated; Tergos Zemnos is initiated.
286.17 ABY – Aurien Uriah is apprenticed to Delmi N’jork.
287.25 ABY – Ausre Kahtra transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
287.26 ABY – Tomoran Serevarno and Sai Akiada are granted seats on the Alzoc III Council; Ametha Tasia rejoins the Jedi Order; Delmi N’jork is demoted to Jedi Adept; Aurien Uriah becomes a Masterless Padawan; Amoné Fayden is initiated; Nastajja Arren is initiated.
287.26 ABY – Cynthia Saaryn is apprenticed to Aslyn Denethorn.
288.01 ABY – Herenai Galadan is apprenticed to Jared Quell.
288.12 ABY – Zeak Dystiny is granted the rank of Jedi Knight.
288.16 ABY – Agitt Tanwa is apprenticed to Coren Ran.
288.19 ABY – Daereon Daimon rejoins the Jedi Order; Des Anaro is initiated; Kiwron Tirladdk is apprenticed to Rash Loist.
288.20 ABY – Amoné Fayden is apprenticed to Kenta.
288.30 ABY – Nastajja Arren is apprenticed to Nira’kalen’nuruodo.
289.03 ABY – Kih Bu transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave.
289.07 ABY – Pamela Kuonn rejoins the Jedi Order.
289.17 ABY – Des Anaro is apprenticed to Sai Akiada.
289.23 ABY – Serris K’Ral is apprenticed to Kih Bu.
289.23 ABY – Rita Sandria is initiated.
290.16 ABY – Rita Sandria is apprenticed to Aslyn Denethorn.
290.28 ABY – Nicholae Carnassi transfers to the Alzoc III Enclave; Oberon Pentari is apprenticed to Ametha Tasia.