JEDI HoloNet

358.28 // Xycal Corp recovering stock plummets as CEO steps down.


Galactic energy powerhouse Xycal Corp was thrown into disarray earlier today when it was announced that CEO Consu Xycal would step down with immediate effect.

Whilst there isn’t any official comment from Xycal Corp or Mr Xycal, it is reported that a disagreement between the CEO and the Board of Directors over the company’s attitude on corporate social responsibility towards the planets they’re based on led to a breakdown in communication.

As a result, it was yet more bad news for Xycal Corp shareholders. When the Galactic Stock Exchange opened on Coruscant this morning, Xycal Corp’s stock dropped by 12%, wiping out a cycle’s worth of solid recovery after being cleared by the Senate around its waste management.

Whilst it is expected that one of Mr Xycal’s older siblings will step into the role, there is no doubt that Mr Xycal will be a difficult figure to replace. Intensely popular with his employees, he is the only Xycal in generations to have personally visited every site owned by Xycal Corp.

His last act as CEO was to sign over the controversial Seritif Point power plant to the city for a single credit, allowing the plant to be investigated further or even potentially shut down.

Xycal Corp will recover in time; the energy titan simply too large for a single person to affect it for too long. As for Mr Xycal, he surely won’t be short of job offers.

355.25 // Loronar Power Cells recalled by manufacturer


Loronar Galactic has issued a warning over their most recent generation of power cells, recommending that any recent purchases be returned as soon as possible.

According to the warning, a fault was discovered in a small minority of mark 6 power cells which could cause a leak in the external casing and damage the appliance. Although no figures were given as to exactly how many power cells are affected, Loronar is offering a free replacement service for a limited time.

Following the costly replacement campaign and Loronar’s already struggling public image, the company’s stocks are expected to fall. Since the warning was released, rival manufacturer Arakyd Inc. has seen a surge in sales of its energy supply products.

351.30 // Zanta-P Medical Station opens in Corsin system


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In an attempt to ease bureaucratic and logistic blockages between Republic, Imperial and new Hynah Directive territories, a state of the art medical station officially opened today. Located in the Corsin system, the multitrillion Zanta-P station has unparalleled facilities, with over ten thousand permanent staff on board.

In the inaugural statement, Zanta-P spokesperson Varlo Kinall stated that:

“What the Imperium gained in senseless terror, we hope to undo with altruism. In accordance with the oaths we take as medical professionals, we aim to aid all citizens that come to us for help, regardless of where they reside.”

The Zanta-P station is also home to up to one thousand medical students and researchers from faculties across the galaxy, with a two year waiting list for places.

349.17 // Tax Hike Imminent?


There has been a sense of uneasiness around the Central Stock Exchange on Coruscant in recent days as figures indicate a steady inflation that has been unheard of in generations. If the reports are accurate, these rising costs would result in a tax hike for all systems bound by the Equilibrium Agreement.

The Equilibrium Agreement was introduced in 302ABY and approximately seventy six systems currently adhere to the conditions laid out. Despite this, the scheme has often been criticised for its overgeneralizations and overreactions to market fluctuations. In fact, some experts cite the Equilibrium Agreement as the reason for Kobaria’s bankruptcy in 326ABY, the effects of which are still felt today.

CCFW approached a representative from the Central Stock Exchange for comment, but were refused.

348.11 // Multi-trillion credit conglomerate looks to establish Wegsphere franchise


You may not realize it, but Coruscant based conglomerate Tellsu Industries has a larger role in your life than you probably know. From the fuel you put in your speeder, the cereal you eat in the morning or the suncream you slather yourself in when visiting the hotter reaches of the galaxy, Tellsu Industries might soon own them all.

The parent company of many well known household brands has often shied away from media attention, instead preferring to keep focus on its many subsidiaries.

However, GTH can exclusively reveal that Tellsu Industries are currently looking to establish or purchase a Wegsphere team franchise to represent the company. Senior Tellsu Directors, including CEO Erbata Rive, have been spotted traveling and inspecting planets across the outer rim without a major Wegsphere team. Some skeptics believe it is a move to limit the amount of tax the company pay.

A close inside source told us that the short list of potential planets includes Lok, Roon and preferred planet Rodia, although they’ve not written off Drexel, Rannon or Naos.

Regardless of what you think, current Wegsphere champions The Kashyyyk Timberwookies have something to think on. A team with the resources and financial backing of Tellsu Industries might finally be a match for the longstanding champions.