JEDI HoloNet

319.31 // Mining Guild Management

As Galactic political entities still recover from the recent War, the Mining Guild has been exploring alternative solutions to keeping up with the growing demand of raw materials and fuel. One of the most notable was forcibly retiring the Guild’s CEO and allowing the vacancy to be filled by Decium Tiro, a veteran executive of the organization.

In the past, Tiro has stated his displeasure with the Guild’s apparent lack of prioritization on potential profit centers across the Galaxy and plans to introduce a multitude of changes to the Mining Guild that will allow for the company to keep pace with the demand of the Galaxy. Analysts agree that change is definitely necessary as the Guild has just been barely able to scrape along in fulfilling Tibanna orders of major Galactic centers. Some say the change is coming just in time in order to prevent the cost of fuel rising for the average Galactic citizen spacefarer or atmospheric commuter.

Others, however, are not so pleased with how the Guild plans to continue business. Shortly after taking the office of Chief Executive, Tiro was questioned by a representative from an independant HoloNews network who wanted to know if by “selling these raw materials to any and all sides of political lines the Guild is not only facilitating growing demand but also a future war.” To this the CEO had a simple reply,

“It’s true that the materials extracted and refined by the hard working men and women of the Mining Guild could be used for military applications. However we can’t allow this hypothetical to paralyze our movement in the Galactic marketplace. Our products could just as easily be used to build a state of the art medical facility for children. We are more selective than we appear about who we sell to. But in this time of recovery we won’t hesitate to play our part in patching war wounds that still require tending to.”

Where the new CEO plans to take the Guild is still relatively secretive, but it is good to hear that the steady stream of resources will continue to flow, heating our homes and fueling our vehicles.

304.11 // New Republic Influences Inter-System Trading

After the formation of the New Republic, inter-system trade has fluctuated, particularly in systems such as Fondor and distant Outer Rim Territories system, Eriadu. A Senator from Fondor claims great financial progress has been made following the formation of the New Republic, with large surplus in industrial textile trading between neighbouring systems.

“The recent unity of the New Galactic Republic has introduced relations between previously un-connected systems, which have spiked interests in reconstruction to economy in the solution of industrial development. Fondor has introduced unionised reforms which focus on assisting systems still suffering from recession caused by the recent hostile engagements. Our goal is to continue our co-operation with neighbouring systems, to encourage development and eventually restore the stability of economy and trade within the sector for the future. The Fondorian government recognises the issues that exist, and promises to maintain production and introduce further reforms to combat recession.” – Senator Cira Kohren.

297.15 // Shipwright Unions Begin Lawsuit

A group of Corellian shipwright unions have succeeded in obtaining a court date for legal proceedings against the executive board of the Selonian Shipyards, after many cycles of intense negotiation and industrial action. The lawsuit, dated for early next year and supported by high-profile law firm Ghorm, Rilt & Zarkon, aims to force the Shipyards to abandon their long-gestating layoffs scheme which would endanger the livelihoods of up to 1,000 employees.

In a statement to the press, F’lksith, Secretary of Employment for the Selonian Shipyards, said;

“…we have worked long and hard to find common ground with the unions, even to the extent of proposing an entirely new business plan for the next fiscal year. Unfortunately, that effort has been for naught. This latest development is little more than bullying by the unions, who care little for the tens of thousands of our employees who will suffer even more should their demands be met.”

A statement from the unions has yet to be made. It remains uncertain how this drawn-out dispute will unfold, but the impact on trade within the sector is already being felt. The price of replacement components, particularly those manufactured by the Selonian Shipyards, has risen by an average of 6% due to the drop in production as a result of industrial action, and the number of new contracts being signed by the Shipyards has also been affected.

With neither side willing to budge, it appears likely that external intervention may be required before this situation can be resolved. As always, GHN will have the latest updates as they happen.


T.R. Bankiss // GHN

297.10 // Disaster on Corellia Averted

An attempt at sabotage on a Koensayr transport due for a Corellian facility was prevented through Jedi intervention on 297.04. The cargo carrier was spotted entering Coronet at high speeds but less than a minute into the city witness reports say that the carriers  emergency breaks were activated in time before it could reach it’s destination, preventing any collision. It was said that two Jedi personnel were seen leaving the scene after being spotted talking with CorSec task forces.

The official statement so far notes the interference of one sentient saboteur and one droid extension, of which the memory core is now in CorSec possession. As of yet CorSec has not released the identity of the saboteur, nor any other information regarding the droid.

Should more information be published, we shall keep you posted.

296.08 // Selonian Shipyards Announce Layoffs

The Selonian Shipyards have announced that they will liquidate no less than one-thousand jobs in the coming fiscal quarter if profits continue to decline. The shipyards, based around the planet Selonia in the Corellian system, have been facing a decline in investor confidence since the Alliance announced plans to downsize military contracts. With almost a third of all profits coming from the manufacture of parts for the Alliance navy, the long-term prospects of one of Selonia’s largest companies are now under intense scrutiny.

Analysts have postulated that that the Selonian Shipyard’s profit losses are due to a failure to adapt their products to peacetime demand. Tenlin Crespin of C & R Strategic Investments Group voiced this opinion during an interview on Skyline Nightly.

“Selonia has a very strong manufacturing capability, their ability to establish a production line and maintain a high output is something that has been admired for centuries. Their weakness is in the old-fashioned business ideals; refusing to diversify offerings by shifting more R&D into civilian product lines. The Mon Calamari Shipyards has done this with rampant success during peacetime market shifts. Holding on so tightly to military contracts will cast a negative light on the company, portraying them as a flailing arms manufacturer that doesn’t understand how to retain and employ a workforce when their products are no longer in such high demand.” 

Though no government officials could be reached for commentary, sources have confirmed that the Galactic Alliance has no plans to change their current parts and equipment contract with Selonia.

Corellian shipwright unions have publicly denounced the announcement, claiming the business case for the layoffs is weak. Spokespersons for the unions have strongly hinted that they will poll their members on the possibility of industrial action should no concessions be obtained from the Shipyards in a timely manner.

T.R. Bankiss // GHN