JEDI HoloNet

347.04 // ‘Withheld’ – New Holofim to dramatize lethal plague


It is considered by many that the actions of the Jedi committed a decade ago are still some of the most heinous and unforgivable in the history of the galaxy. Now, the Jedi’s choice to seemingly withhold a cure to the plague, that resulted in the deaths of countless people, is the focal point of director Tospol Picar’s latest holofim.

The celebrated director, known for his unmoderated and sometimes controversial style has come under fire from some critics for focusing on a topic still fresh for so many in the galaxy. However, if history is anything to go by, Picar will push ahead with his project.

The film is still in the scripting phase, but fully expect up-and-coming Togruta superstar Meritut Detta to portray then Jedi Padawan Wrennin Vae, notable for his address to the Senate.

With the Jedi looking to rebuild their strength and credibility within the Galaxy, how will such a film portray them?

335.17 // Famous Jizz-wailer Passes Away


Renowned Jizz-wailer musician Candin Larr’si has passed away today at the age of eighty-seven. It is suspected he died of natural causes. A memorial show will be scheduled following his death by fellow Jizz wailer bands to support the loss of this historic member of the movement. He played music to often sold out crowds, and supported several entertainment organization to produce income for poverty and orphanages in low level systems. He will be long remembered.

325.09 // Teenager Recognized for Realism

Gorgin Jekoo, age 17, was recognized earlier today by the University of Coruscant for his realistic artwork.

Entitled, “A Peek of Coruscant”, Jekoo was able to capture the essence of Coruscant with detailed artistry and finesse. He is being widely known as an art prodigy.

Gorgin Jekoo received a 4-year scholarship to attend the University of Coruscant, one of the most esteemed universities in the core. The dean of the University of Coruscant stating at a press conference, ‘We here at the University gladly accept Gorgin into our art program. We have no doubt that his talent will flourish under the supervision of our staff. We look forward to seeing him create as intricate pieces of art within our walls come this semester.’

Jekoo’s art teacher, Ms. Oxen, could not be more proud of her student. Stating earlier, ‘I have known Gorgin since he was little. Even then, he showed early signs of true brilliance. I am proud to call him my student and wish him all the best in his first semester at the University of Coruscant.’

The Galactic News also wish Gorgin the best of luck in his career.

I’m Rin Jaicup, signing off.

298.16 // Mos Osnoe Massacre, and An Unlikely Break-Up?



Reports are coming in of an attack which took place on the city of Mos Osnoe, on the planet Tatooine. Sources say this seems to be a deliberate action taken by none other than the Tusken Raiders , commonly referred too as the Sand People by the inhabitants of Tatooine. We have no information as to why they decided to attack the city of Mos Osnoe, but sources also say that there has been a number of attacks actioned by the Tuskens across the deserts of Tatooine on a few random locations.

Many of the residents of Mos Osnoe were killed in the attack, but many more survived thanks to the actions of security forces put together and consisting of actual local authorities and any person able to hand a weapon of use against the would be attackers. Even though their own casualties were excessively high, they managed to keep the Tuskens back long enough for civilians to escape from the city during the raid.


We interrupt this broadcast to bring you breaking news from Coruscant South-West. Now going to Rin Jaicup live on the scene! Why don’t you tell us what’s going on down there Rin?


Well Ular, if you look behind me you’ll see that I’m standing in front of the old Southwest CivSec building, where Kortuvva is being held in custody. Reports are sketchy right now, but eye witness reports are coming in stating that at around twenty-one thirty local time, Kortuvva was seen climbing the walls of buildings, swinging from service wires, and shouting slurs and epithets about..wait a moment, is this right?

::Rin looks off-camera for a moment, a quizzical look on his face::

I’m being told by our translator droid that she was actually singing slurs and epithets about a ‘soft-bellied chiptooth’. She was shortly thereafter arrested outside the Azure Dianoga Cantina wearing some sort of wet cape.

I’d to point out quickly that none of this is very unusual behavior for the artist. Her track record of causing a public commotion over some sort of personal grievance…hold on, we’re going to break right now for a statement from local Chief Esslen.

::The camera pans to the right, framing a heavy-set Mon Calamari with quivering jowls that shake as he speaks::

“…would like to make it perfectly clear right now that the only charges Kortuvva are being pressed with at this is that of disturbing of the peace. We cannot track the source of the cape she was wearing, but we can confirm that it did at one point belong on the body of a Trandoshan male. Apart from that we have no comment, and investigators will be beginning their inquiries imminently. Thank you for your time.”

::The display returns to Rin, his mouth left slightly agape for a moment before regaining his composure::

As you can see Ular, it’s been a very busy night for Kortuvva. We’ll be making inquiries of our own with Blackscale to see if he can shed any kind of light on these developments. For now, this is Rin Jaicup with GHN Media, back to you.

296.14 // An Unlikely Couple?

Wookiee core drive artist Kortuvva announced this morning that she will be working on a collaboration album with the renowned Trandoshan glitz composer, Blackscale. The pairing of heavy core drive with glitz melodies is not unheard of, but the coming-together of these historically opposed racial styles has been met with heavy criticism. Kortuvva’s fans have responded with outcry, as the majority of her music features racially-charged themes and lyrics.

When asked for comment, Kortuvva responded by saying:

“Blackscale is a talented musician and an intelligent businessman. Working with him to combine musical styles in spite of our racial differences breaks musical precedent. In coming together, our music can show the galaxy this: the hatred that has driven our species apart for so long is truly, a thing of the past.”

GHN attempted to contact Jedi Master Kara Yelay, pupil of the late Jedi Master Mardus Jeul, for comment on the matter. Master Jeul had earned respect from Wookiees, and Trandoshans alike, for being instrumental in peace talks between the two races. In maintaining with the Order’s stance of neutrality, Master Yelay refused to comment on the matter, though we suspect that the Jedi will be watching this mixture of art and culture with as much interest as we have here in the studio.

Rin Jaicup // GHN