JEDI HoloNet

337.02 // Student Emissary Speaks


As disease continues to plague the galaxy, the issue of freedom vs. security continues to be hotly debated between Senators as well as Republic citizens. One of the most controversial decisions by the Senate was to impose a travel ban, preventing residents from infected worlds to travel to others. The hope was that this drastic step would stop the spread of disease, though as a result we have seen economies crumble, families go without food and the sick go without medicine as the ban has prevented interplanetary trade and stunted economic growth.

Today the Senate heard a fresh perspective on the issue. Wrennin Vae, a student of the Jedi Order, was elected by his peers to represent his Diplomacy class before the Senate to share their points of view on the travel ban as it relates to the services the Jedi Order provides.

Says Wrennin,

“I extend my greeting to you all, senators of the Republic.

After this amount of time, I’m aware that any number of groups will have attempted to seek permission to bypass the travel ban within the quarantine zone in the Core worlds. They will have emphasised the loss of trade, or noted the potential loss to the economy, emphasising every possible avenue for disruption without once acknowledging those who are at this moment dying during this crisis.

Unlike these other groups, the Jedi Order has those affected by the plague as the priority. We aren’t interested in the credits that will be saved or the political mire. We, like the Republic, are focussed on efficiently and responsibly working towards bringing not only this crisis to an end, but additionally helping with efforts across the systems who have come to trust in our two organisations.

The first step towards this end? Giving the Jedi Order permission to bypass the travel ban within the quarantine zone in the Core Worlds.

The research of the Jedi Order in branches scattered at all corners of the galaxy is an invaluable asset that the Republic must recognise. Rather than endangering countless lives with fleets and crews, our self sufficient teams of one or two members are able to move to and from the infected systems with minimal risk of contagion. Moreover, our dedicated members have the training, facilities and strength of will to quarantine themselves should the unthinkable occur. Despite our small numbers, the work of just one of these teams will make a huge impact on the lives of those actually afflicted, whilst simultaneously providing some reprieve to the Republic forces already trying to help.

However, there is more to this issue than the worlds afflicted in the Core. The rest of the galaxy has not stopped moving during these years of crisis, as all of you will be aware. The Coruscant branch of the Jedi Order is the largest in the galaxy, with its members having been trapped here for a number of years. The collective expertise of the Jedi unable to leave this system is astronomical. Just as specialists from across the galaxy must come here to Coruscant to aid in the relief efforts, so must these Jedi – the ambassadors, enforcers, scholars, negotiators, rescue teams – be permitted to move to aid in the innumerable other disturbances and requests elsewhere.

It goes without saying that if the Jedi Order were able to stop this crisis alone, it would have been granted the permissions to do so by now. Our request to bypass the travel ban is not one based on arrogance or wild claims of a cure. It is simply a plea for cooperation between our two groups. By facilitating a candid and transparent agreement on this issue, we will together be able to show compassion to the people who have come to hold faith in the Republic and the Jedi Order to help them in their times of need. This agreement will require a give and take from both sides, of time, resources, people and even, at times, hope. Ultimately, the lifting of the travel ban will be the first step towards bringing this crisis to an end.
I might be young and the plights of those affected by this plague are far from what I know every day. But it is an event which has encompassed my entire time of training. I don’t want it to be something that frames the training of others either. Regardless of your opinion of the Order following this discussion, I hope that you don’t feel we are apathetic to the cause.”

The young Jedi was met with mixed reviews. Some referred to his points as childish ignorance, while other Senators hailed it as brilliant insight. Though his views were soley that of his own and those of his classmates and not necessarily the Order as a whole, his speech appears to have gotten many people thinking about these critical and controversial issues. Who knows? He might have even changed a mind or two out there. I know he changed mine.

Nik Carraway // GHN

336.03 // Bimmiel Reconsiders Allegiance


The system of Bimmiel on the borders of the Empire and Republic is reconsidering its succession from the Galactic Republic due to increased military presence in the region. The tension surrounding Dantooine is still everpresent, with the Republics main fleet remaining stationary, ready to respond to any threats from the Emperial fleets.

Senator Potan Skressan is said to leave Corellia next cycle to meet with the Senator of Bimmiel to discuss relations. During the trip Senator Skressan will also discuss economical issues and security threats.

335.25 // Pandemic Details Leaked

The current epidemic in the core has remained quite restricted to the Republic citizens, however we’ve been sent statistics regarding the flu and it’s path of destruction in the quarantine zone. The Galactic Health Organisation classifies the pandemic as stage six on most of the systems centralized in the quarantine zone.

The heart of the plague is a virus, which adapts and changes its molecular consistency every time scientists develop a vaccine or antiviral medicine to counter-act its symptoms. On top of this its developed pathogenic qualities that allow it to transfer through the air, and in liquids. Temperature doesn’t slow it down, but the very opposite; evolves it. The virus doesn’t only develop in a single molecular body, but in bacterial portions as well as archaeon microbes, which the virus injects itself in to. Often this evolution is common for dormant microbes, and due to the archaeon property the virus is capable of withstanding exotic and extreme climates. In other words, the virus changes every time you touch it, every time you treat it, becoming more resilient and deadly. This has caused a fatality rate of 40%.

Thus far, the death toll approximations with extrapolation of treatment statistics and missing persons reports, death reports and more are listed as follows:

Aargau – 1,000,000+
Alsakan – 750,000+
Brentaal – 800,000+
Coruscant – 25,000,000+
Galantos – 7,000,000+
Ruan – 2,000,000+

Additional statistics are unfounded or impossible to retrieve due to communication inconsistencies. We’ll attempt to keep the Republic citizens informed as best we can. Stay tuned.

335.25 // Teth Returns to Hutt Space


The long time neighbor and historic member of Hutt Space has once again jumped back into the influence of Hutt Space, as a new government has been voted in. The National Teth Congress (NTC) led a strong campaign in returning the system to the space, as it stimulates the economy and allows income to spike due to the export channels that open up. The losing party has voiced their concern that the corruption of the Hutt leaders will cause inflation and lower the standard of living.

335.21 // Wormhole


Astronomers around the Galaxy were taken aback by the sudden creation of a wormhole near the Phu system. Scientists believe that this wormhole has the capacity to transport people to a different Galaxy; and more worriedly, transport people into our Galaxy. Astronomers monitor the wormhole to study, experiment, and hypothesize, but do not intend to venture inside of it. In fact, earlier today, the R.S.A (Republic Space Agency), requested further involvement from the Republic Senate, fearing an invasion similar to the Yuuzhan Vong.

The Empire’s astronomers also arrived to study the space anomaly. Both the R.S.A and E.S.O (Empire Space Organization) have made contact and surprisingly intend to share data to better scrutinize the wormhole. Republic Senator Yuii Fel’kee of the Phu believes this not to be a turn around for the relationship between Republic and Empire, but simply the result of a similar objective and/or goal.