JEDI HoloNet

290.20 // Breaking News: Success Over Bakura!


Breaking news from the Galactic Alliance campaign!

Bakura has fall from the control of the Ascendancy as the Alliance reclaims another piece of territory in their attempts to push the Chiss Fleet back into it’s own space, inflicting even more casualties in this already blooded war.

Reports confirm that with the assistance of the Jedi Order, front line commanders along with the military forces of the alliance led an assault on multiple points over Bakura in a task which was set to isolate the present forces of the Ascendancy and over run them on all locations effectively reliqueshing it from their control. The Alliance has deemed the assistance of the Jedi Order as invaluable, claiming that without their help this victory may never have been possible and Temporary Chief of State Admiral Wilkinson had this to say;

“I would like to extend a personal thanks to the Jedi who fought on the front lines today, their bravery and valor will be remembered endlessly by everyone affected in the war as will all the lives of the brave men and women who died today fighting for the freedom from the tyranny of the stern cold ruling of the Ascendancy…”

As the celebrations erupt for tonight, they may short lived as the Alliance will now face a battle to hold this new additional territory to ensure that the Ascendancy doesn’t enter back into the Southern Space.

290.19 // Breaking News: Galactic Alliance to Invade Ascendancy Space!

Galactic Alliance Fleet

Earlier today acting Chief of State Admiral Wilkinson announced in a surprise news conference, broadcasted from deep inside the Southern Space, of a decision which will lead the Galactic Alliance into the Ascendancy space in an attempt to pressure the Ascendancy forces into surrendering.

Sources are suggesting that after taking office, Admiral Wilkinson has been working closely with each department within the military and intelligence departments. Together they have been developing a plan of action in regards to the long and weary war against the Ascendancy forces occupying both Southern Space and the Northern regions, where spontaneous rebellions have seen the grip loosen on the planetary systems there.

After exploiting a weak point in the Ascendancy perimeter around the Southern Space, the Alliance managed to dispatch most of the fleets orbiting the planetary systems, shattering them into small groups and defeating them as they lay stunned from the surprise offensive. Reports suggest that this was down to tactical perfection from top military minds as well as solid intelligence said to contain exact coordinates of the enemy fleet. With this advantage landing at the Admiral’s feet, the Chief of State has taken the decision to advance the Galactic Fleet towards Ascendancy space.

“Against all odds, we the Alliance have managed to show the Ascendancy the true might and prowess of the men and women within the Military. Together we took back the Southern planetary system from the cold iron grip of the enemy. Many sacrifices were made, but many lives were also saved by this important and successful action. The enemy fleet has back pedalled towards its own territory after buckling under the pressure of the Galactic Alliance. After taking great consideration of what we have achieved and what this has cost us, I have also seen what we could, but have yet to, accomplish in our efforts to end this War.

It is with a heavy heart that I ask all the men and woman of the Military to give yet again, everything they have, as we march into the enemy territory.

To end this war once and for all.

290.14 // Breaking News: The Galactic Alliance Reclaim Southern Territories!

Mock image of the sweeping action as it is said to have happened.

Breaking news from the Southern Space, reports have confirmed that in a bold yet fantastic move the Galactic Alliance under new Temporary Chief of State Wilkinson and the Galactic Alliance commanders have split the Ascendancy forces currently spread thin across the Southern territories by hitting three main objectives in a consecutive manner which saw the Ascendancys grip finally break and retreat back towards Bakura where we saw the treaty signed by the former Commonwealth government.

A mock image of the plan in play was drawn up and sent in by one of our correspondents currently in amongst the chaos reporting as the war unfolds. The action was slammed by some politicians claiming it was a huge risk which could have back fired and been detrimental to the war efforts, but this was quickly swept aside by Admiral Wilkinson who had this to say:

“The alliance’s mental strength and might have no limitations, what we asked of the men and women today was huge but we believed that if we could execute this place with precise and accurate actions we could effectively claim a huge step towards ending this war once and for all. For too long the alliance has sit reacting to the Ascendancy but now it is time for them to react and us to take action.

We still have a long way to go, but this is a step in the right direction.”

Public reaction to this news has said to have been extremely positive as the Alliance has now taken a strong stance covering most of the former Commonwealth space blocking the Ascendany in place, but with Admiral Wilkinson’s comments it looks we are still some what distanced from the end of this long and tiring war.

The movement of the alliance was detailed to have happened as they massed their fleet at an identified weak point in the border defence of the Ascendancy currently occupying the southern space, they broke through at speed and engaged the massive presence of Ascendancy forces orbiting Sluis Van, known for it’s impressive shipyard, and all but decimated the fleet there. Once they had reclaimed Sluis Van it was said that the Ascendancy fleet present above Eriadu was intercepted by a break off piece of the alliance fleet whilst it was in retreat towards the sector hosting Naboo. After the Alliance had reclaimed these important planetary systems it once again accumulated most of the might and pushed across the south towards Hoth and Bespin where it met little resistance as the surprised Asendancy forces pulled back towards Bakura. It is said that Admiral Wilkinson has ordered a halt to the advancement so that it could reevaluate the state of the Fleet and take hold of it’s newly acquired territory. Word has it the key points to the plan was that it had to follow a strict rule of timing and positioning, whilst battle plans took shape of unpredictable new formation as well as cunning tactics.

290.02 // Rebellions In The Northern Space Rise Dramatically


Reports are coming in thick and fast as the rebellions in the northern space continue to gain momentum as rebellious factions are taking on the Ascendancy Military forces  which are currently occupying most the planetary systems across the nothern space, head on in a fierce battle which have seen many injuried or killed.

Military intellegence has been reletively quiet but reports suggest that the rebel factions are being armed and supplied by a yet, unnamed source – which has done all but make itself known to the public in what is being hailed as an effective war of uncertainty.

We at the GHN team have been conducting our own investigations into these rebellions and how they are carried out, but apart from the chance to view how the rebellions are executed first hand we cannot confirm much else detail wise. It’s said that those in the know are keeping a very tight lid on information being spread but have confirmed that the support has been an important part of the success of these rebellions and they are due to continue them until the Ascendancy have been removed from all Northern Space.

When asked if the Galactic Alliance had been a part of these operations, it was simply stated as “No, they have not.”

Vice Admiral of the Galactic Alliance Fleet, Vincent Flett said “We can confirm nothing at the moment, but the Alliance is working hard to support the rebellions and continue to push the Asendancy back out of the Northern Space and secure a perimeter which will keep them out.”

289.28 // Breaking News: Admiral Wilkinson announced as new temporary Chief Of State

Breaking news straight from the Senate on Coruscant, after many months of debate the Senate finally announced a new but temporary Chief of State in the form of Admiral Wilkinson of Coalition High Command.

Admiral Wilkinson has been a leading figure on the front line, lending his invaluable assistance and tactical genius to maneuvering the GA fleet into the former Commonwealth space now occupied by the Ascendancy, taking the fight to them. The announcement has been long over due as the Senate has thus far failed to draft new candidates for the vacant position as Chief of State, word has it that the Senate has been in a state of chaos rumored to have been spurred on by whispers against all new candidates as they step forward to be counted leaving politicians unsure who to back as the next Chief of State.

During this phase however, an agreement was reached to allow Admiral Wilkinson to take seat as a temporary Chief of State in the midst of the on going war. Having served many cycles in the Alliance Military the Senators on Coruscant were quick to back him to take the position after he was seemingly left in control of most the office after former Chief of State Caden Aquitenne was assassinated, but the Senate have now moved to make this arrangement more formal and official through out the Alliance.

The public eye will certainly now be fixed on Admiral Wilkinson’s decision making and leading ability as he seeks to bring the war to an end after leading the Galactic Alliance into the southern space where they are now engaging the Ascendancy forces head on.

No comment was available from Admiral Wilkinson at this time.