JEDI HoloNet

281.18 // Ascendancy Ranks Show Visible Diversification

Human Ascendancy

Human Soldiers in the Ascendancy Ranks

The Galactic Coalition Military has released significant evidence showing that the typical red eyes and pale blue faces of the Ascendancy infantry are not as dominating as they once were. Official photos taken by Coalition scout units have demonstrated that possibly thousands of non-Chiss (mostly Human) soldiers have been integrated into the ranks of the Ascendancy, likely the products of conquered worlds in the vicinity of the Outer Rim Territories.

This news surfaces as something well short of a shocking impact, as the plausibility of drafting subjugated citizens into the Ascendancy services has often been a point of casual speculation amongst informed viewers. What remains a point of discussion however is the means by which these individuals were accepted into the enemy ranks. Did they do so willingly? Were they brainwashed? Are these individuals serving to protect their families, or simply backing the winning team?

Regardless of the likely various reasons for the diversification of Ascendancy forces, Coalition High Command has quickly stood behind a policy of no tolerance for the obviously new additions to the opposing forces in a statement made in conjunction with the release of official photos:

As unfortunate as this developing evidence may be, we must treat every individual in an enemy uniform on the battlefield as if they were born in the heart of Csilla herself. Terms of surrender will remain consistent however, and any such individual who surrenders shall be treated with the same civilized respect endowed by our understanding leadership throughout the duration of this entire conflict.

281.18 – Bak Sota // GHN

281.14 // Fierce Battle in Senate Over Measure, Aquitenne Under Pressure

Chief of State Aquitenne Arrives on Onderon To Promote #8062297C

In response to the worsening fronts in the Outer Rim Territories against both the Chiss Ascendancy and the Mandalorian Empire, conservatives in the Senate have been pushing a new measure this cycle, #8062297C, an initiative that would lower the minimum recruitment age for the Coalition Army from age eighteen to age sixteen. It would provide for the first time this century that minors have been officially allowed to join the military in any context, and would only require the signature of a single parent or other guardian, or, to allow for further options, create an emancipation clause to allow those who cannot get permission to free themselves from custody.

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281.12 // Terrorist Bombing on Naboo Disrupts Diplomatic Conference, 7 Confirmed Dead

Terrorist Bombing on Naboo

Galactic Holonews has just learned that at least six Commonwealth guards and one of their ambassadors are dead following a large explosion in the capital of Naboo in the southern Outer Rim Territories. The blast went off past 2200-GST in the evening, causing panic and disorder amidst the streets of the city. It targeted a small diplomatic meeting being held by top-level ambassadors of the Alliance and the Commonwealth at a level two security clearance.

The current mandatory curfew enforced in all Commonwealth territories is said to have had a “significant impact” on limiting the severity of the attack. Following the blast, a small group of local terrorists identified themselves and attempted to defeat the local security forces, but were subsequentially killed once surrounded. Police on Naboo are still searching for possible survivors from this terrorist faction who may have escaped. There is no word at this time on the possible identity of the perpetrators. Information released by the chief of security, however, indicates that the terrorists had an inside man who allowed the other attackers unprecedented access to the safehouse where the diplomatic conference was being held.

The status of the ambassador present for the Alliance is said to be unknown, although local aides report that he was able to escape the fiery impact of the blast by crawling out of the safehouse window into the streets.

281.12 – Elhaar Bitim // GHN

281.11 // Corporate Sector Remains Quiet, Futures Gain Value Despite Investor Fears

Corporate Markets

The last year and half has seen a precipitous fall in Galactic markets, with the main indices plunging nearly fifty percent in the light of consumer uncertainties and lost confidence. But in spite of recent fears of a collapse with the Ascendancy on the doorstep, a recent rebound in the futures market has restored hope for some analysts in the previously ailing Corporate Sector. Coupled with particularly good earnings — possibly bolstered by the decrease in unemployment caused by ongoing warfare in the Outer Rim — the largest of the Galactic indices has risen three and five percent during the course of the previous two trading cycles, respectively.

An analyst at Red Mynock Financial, the fourth largest mutual fund in the Sector, confidentially released the following information to Galactic Holonews:

Perhaps the single aspect that would surprise most people is that although the calamities of warfare and fears of political change may cause a negative impact on the markets, this impact is rendered negligible by the possibility for growth in small-cap stocks. While we forsee fear continuing to play a long-term role in the health of major industries, developing sectors are likely to gain a boon from recent events. Therefore the prudent investor will remain cautiously optimistic and search for the bargains in an otherwise difficult market.

281.11 – Nel Paige // GHN

281.09 // Bastion and Taris Fall, Coalition In Full Retreat


Bastion - Ascendancy Bombardment of the Capital

Calamity in the Outer Rim.

More breaking news has reached Coruscant as we have received word that two of the largest strongholds for the Coalition have at last collapsed under the brunt of Mandalorian and Ascendancy fleets after a fierce resistance lasting the better part of a year. The final maelstrom came for both planets in the last twenty-four hours, when pockets of Coalition resistance collapsed under the weight of full out assault.

While Taris had been previously decimated by a series of orbital bombardment and invasion fleets by the Mandalorians, it was Bastion whose defense perpetually served as a reminder of the hope left alive in the hearts of citizens of Alliance and Commonwealth citizens everywhere. Bastion, heavily reenforced by legions from the Jedi Order, was able to withstand even the fiercest of enemy regiments. But reportedly engaging in one last fiery assault, the Ascendancy razed the capital, willing to sacrifice even its own men for the sake of destroying the remnants of the Coalition resistance. This act of terror cannot be overlooked in these times as we look to our enemies, wondering for what purposes they continue to wage this destructive war. The fate of the Jedi on Bastion is unknown, but initial reports of the damage are assessed to be in the trillions of credits, with at least six hundred thousand dead on the surface and three million further casualties of war.

Commander in Chief Caden Aquitenne released the following statement this evening in the light of the news.

Though Coalition fleets are now in full retreat, scrambling to take up new positions along the shifting frontier in the Outer Rim, now is a time we must call to question our loyalities and be true to our convictions. With the war even closer to home, the older amongst us remember of the one called Rishi who last brought terror to the homefront. We must not let history repeat itself once more. We must remain strong, uniting as one, all men and woman, all species and races. If we are to stand strong in the face of tyrannical, imperalistic powers, then we must remember this tonight: we are all citizens of Bastion and Taris.

More to come in the following days.

Galactic HoloNews