JEDI HoloNet

268.15 // Councilor Killed

A Sad day for the Jedi order as Councilor is tragically killed in a starship accident on the planet Morja…

The planet Moorja, final resting place of High Councilor Xanto

The planet Moorja, final resting place of High Councilor Xanto

Galactic Holo News has learned that a senior member of the Jedi High Council, Master Xanto (Ongree male, 65) has been killed in a starship crash on the planet Moorja located in the Inner Rim Territories. Xanto who was on a diplomatic mission on 268.12 encountered navigational difficulties during an unusually large ion storm and careered onto the planet’s surface avoiding any sentient settlements. His Kuat Jedi Cruiser, Hope’s Wings was almost totally destroyed. Read the rest of this entry »

268.11 // Jedi Killer

Troubling news for the Jedi order as the bodies of two Jedi Knights are found, killed using the force…

GHN has learned that the bodies of two Jedi Knights, Renton Brown (32 human male) and Jax Ionstorm (29 human male) have been found in Coruscant’s lower sections. Both Knights were apparently tortured and killed using The Force.

The order first began its search for the two Jedi when both went missing during routine patrols of Coruscants lower districts last cycle.  Renton Brown was found three days ago in section 1473x, 24 levels below the main promenade adjoining victory square. On scene inspectors reported that all of his limbs had been bent backwards and all of his major bones crushed with no visible signs of trauma or bruising. Read the rest of this entry »

267.28 // Vigos Vanquished

Several Black Sun Vigos who have elluded the authorities since the Seccesionary War have been captured and now face trials for multiple charges of murder, sentient traffiking and illegal arms sales…


A successful joint venture between several members of the Jedi High Council and the GAID’s former covert ops unit Section 13 has resulted in the arrest of three Black Sun Vigos. The long standing criminal orginisation survived the Imperial Regime, the first Galactic Alliance and the Sith Empire.

The GAID also suspected the Black Sun to be heavily involved in Sentient Trafficking during the Seccessionary War, taking many individuals from refugee camps and selling them into a life of slavery, abuse or prostitution.

Thanks to a year long investigation involving several undercover agents, many of these charges can now ‘stick’ in the intergalactic courts.

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267.20 // Shocking Revelation in Investigation

Possible identities to Trust operatives found

As the investigations continue from the hack on GADDC computer terminals, shocking revelations have unfolded as to who could be behind these acts. GAID officials claim, after scouring the remains of the computer terminal used to hack the database, that the means used to achieve access were the result of what GAID agents use in the field. Whether this means current or ex-members are involved, there is a security breach within the Intelligence Department. GAID officials are also looking into several former members who retired two and a half years ago, and seemingly vanished on any official record. The names of these agents for security purposes were not divulged.

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267.02 // GA Database Hacked

Classified information stolen from GA database

Today around 0400GST, a group of xenoterrorists, identifying themselves only as “The Trust” successfully hacked into a secure Galactic Alliance Division for Disease Control medical database, and retrieved several classified documents, in relation to the deadly Krytos Virus. GADDC computer terminals indicated unauthorized access, from a remote location in Coruscant. However when a team of GAID agents sent to investigate stormed the apartment building in question, all they found was a bare room, with a fried terminal. The culprits were not found.

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