On 404.27 a diplomatic meeting occurred between the invested parties in the ongoing saga of the system of Ord Biniir.
Representatives of the Empire, Republic, Ord Biniir provisional government, with mediators from the Jedi Order met on the Republic Diplomatic Cruiser “Organa” just outside the system of Ord Biniir.
Representing the Empire was Moff Yulian, the Republic’s two majority parties currently are the Diplomats and War Hawks represented by Senator Yalook P’oolel and Ambassador James Hawken. Originally it was agreed that President Kennith Malorant himself would represent his government that he set up through force of arms. President Malorant did not honor the original agreement, however, it’s been reported. Instead he attended via hologram which throws the following events into a suspicious light.
During the negotiations, the Jedi successfully mediated a plausible and strong path forward for Ord Biniir sovereignty pending approval for a provisional government authorized by the Moff Council and the Galactic Senate. The conditions of which would be a new election which included inrances the elections would be free, fair, and allow all to vote unconditionally after.
These negotiations were interrupted by a small army of assassin droids which infiltrated the ship. It’s reported that none of the crew survived the initial ambush as the droids got into position.
With the protection of the Jedi, however, all of the representatives on board and diplomatic delegates escaped from the snare mostly unharmed. The disabled corvette was repaired and a daring escape was executed.
Footage from the diplomatic corvette showed that an Imperial Star Destroyer had been a part of the ambush. While it only started firing on the corvette when the hyperdrive and shields were fixed and operating, it spent the whole operation apparently on standby to destroy the vessel if the droids failed in their primary task, seemingly to assassinate all of the delegates on board.
Public records confirm that the Destroyer in question was scheduled for decommission over a decade ago, and should have been stripped for useful parts and set to autopilot to descend into the sun of the Bastion system. Clearly it was appropriated on rout and found its way here.
Finally, on-board records indicate that Ambassador Hawken of the War Hawk party was directly involved with the assassination attempt. Hawken disappeared just before the violence broke out and was never found after. Additionally, all of the escape pods on board were jettisoned using Hawken’s clearance code. An outstanding warrant and reward is out for James Hawken to be taken in alive.
After the incident, the Republic, Jedi, and Empire released joint statements backing one another in a unified front against the treachery possibly committed by President Malorant himself.
Master Iffo Rav’i, of the Grand Council of the Jedi Order, issued this statement,
“The Republic and Empire are united in bringing the democratic will of the people of Ord Biinor into fruition.
“Whilst it is not clear who is responsible for the attack on the peace talks, know that those behind it will be held accountable for their actions.
“In relation to enabling the democratic process on Ord Biinor, all avenues are being explored.”
Senator Yalook P’oolel said this the same day on the steps of the Senate building,
“While we continue to find the most peaceful avenue forwards in this developing case, it’s become clear to both Moff Yuliarn and myself that this was a coordinated attempt by the Government of Ord Biniir to instigate war between the Empire and Republic.
“We are working with the Empire to put diplomatic pressure on the faux democracy that’s been set up on the planet of Ord Biniir and are pushing to return to normalcy. The citizens of Ord Biniir, seventy-seven years ago, peacefully left the Republic to join the Empire. This armed takeover is an affront to that peaceful transition and will not be supported by the Republic.”
Moff Yuliarn joined voices with his other two counterparts,
“With the support of both the Jedi Order and Republic, I have the highest confidence that we will see ourselves through this crisis with minimum bloodshed. All of our parties are interested in avoiding another conflict on the level of Vohai we’ve seen a generation past.”
After these remarks were made, a joint strike force of Imperial Destroyers and Republic Cruisers made coordinated hyperspace jumps into the Ord Biniir system.
After a short and intense sortie, most of the Ord Biniir fleet was destroyed with the remainder fleeing. An orbital blockade has ensued, putting further pressure on the planetary government to abdicate for the betterment of them and the planet’s citizenry.
In related news, election season has come to an end. With the revelation of Ambassador Hawken’s involvement with an attempted assassination plot, the Diplomat party swept the Republic Senate and the War Hawk party has effectively lost all power and has dissolved.
More on this story as it develops.
This is Andee N’evaro