Good afternoon readers on Alzoc and Rannon alike. This is Orleana Gorgin of the AGNN. Many of you are interested in learning the truth, which was why I was awarded the Sector Service Excellence Award 6 times running! But we’re not here to talk about that. After all, you can see my accolades and pre-order my latest book, “Just Jedi? More like, just Jedi”, at orlggn.hlnt anytime! Instead, I am writing this piece to talk about the continued wake of destruction that the Jedi leave in this local path. Some of you may ask why a reporter from Alzoc III would bother covering something on Rannon.
Well, as of posting this article I am officially a galactic correspondent with the network, not just a regional one for Alzoc. Which empowers me to investigate the likes of the Jedi, who much like last time, left Alzoc in a hurry.
To that end, it raises a big question to many – “Why”? Why bring yourself to our quiet planet, set up a presence, lower the crime rate, community outreach, etc, and then just leave? To this reporter the answer is clear – the Jedi do not care about us! Now, they have returned to Rannon after blasting out of there eight years past, and the locals are none too happy about it. Earlier this cycle I had the privilege of gathering some comments from regular citizens just like you and me. Take a look here at what the people had to say:
”The Jedi left and stuff just got worse and worse. The storms kept up for ages. We lost so many homes, people died. Some say that the Void was the fault of the Jedi. I don’t know about that, but I do know that if they couldn’t stick around to help, they can’t just show up when everything is starting to get back to normal!” – Ficti Nomine
”I dunno…Rumor is they left to protect the kids and stuff. Which I guess that’s okay. But I lost my farm. The Jedi could have even come to help even when they were offworld….” – Lannis Janna
<<sinpad hioffpo parede ned swoquix chaintwist inti alerassa>> – ???
But don’t just take their word for it, you can also listen to someone you trust, like me.
Well, have they put any work to reconstruction efforts on Rannon? Reportedly, the planet is only at 50-75% recovered from the major storms according to most experts. Well, they certainly have rebuilt their nice and exclusive temple!
Therefore a humble and small time award winning reporter poses this challenge to the local Jedi on Rannon: I’m going to go out and start helping rebuild Rannon. If you care at all, you’ll join me for a workday instead of hiding in the temple playing little monks.
Until then, this is Orleana Gorgin, signing off.