JEDI HoloNet

393.28 // Homelessness on Coruscant hits highest ever recorded, new study finds


Homelessness on the lower levels of Coruscant is reaching levels only seen in preceding centuries, a study by the Institute for Galactic Economic Affairs (IGEA) concluded this year, citing sky-rising property value and a rampant drug trade as the two largest sources of strife for the issue. Lamee Ranack, the Republic’s Chief of State, hoped to bring an end to the issue with her ‘Five Steps’ program to bolster the Republic’s “structural foundations”, the first step involving “economic reinvestment” and “revitalisation” for impoverished areas such as the capital city’s lower levels.

However, the study conducted by the IGEA was extremely critical of Chief of State Ranack’s policies, stating that credits used were only “fuel to the fire” that did not address the underlying issues of the rising levels of poverty and homelessness. The main area of Ranack’s economic revitalisation scheme was to buy up huge swathes of unused lower level infrastructure or buildings and refurbish them into housing estates or flats, but this itself created several neglected issues. First and foremost, the study writes, “the revitalisation scheme, as it is run by profiteer banks, neglects the needs of well-being by constructing or reconstructing housing in areas that are prone to gang violence or habitually plagued with anti-social behaviour to ensure that quotas are met.” Furthermore, “the forced eviction of ‘squatters’ created a tremendous sudden growth in homelessness, the biggest source of the issue, with spurred on anti-social behaviour as families and individuals struggled to live outside of the homeless communes that had naturally built up over time”.

To remedy this, the Coruscant government began issuing single-occupancy tents or larger tents for family occupants. However, the issuing of tents to the homeless has begun clogging up commercial highstreets as instead of living in sewers or under bridges, the homeless now live in ‘tent communities’ in open areas, bringing them into open clashes with Coruscant underworld police. Against Lammee Ranack’s wishes, the corporate block of the Senate has begun drafting a bill to illegalise vagrancy – in effect, forcing these homeless groups into more clandestine areas of the city – to keep commerce high, citing ‘public danger’ presented by the homeless due to high levels of the illegal drug trade.

With the senate’s backlash and current debate over the legality of homelessness, the government has been ineffective in stopping this growing crisis.

393.20 // Deston Electronics Accused of Severe Environmental Damage

A published report of Deston Electronic’s breach of Republic anti-pollution protocol and the environmental consequences have left the company in disarray, with market shares plummeting and calls for legal action against the hardware and electronics producer. The report, a 386-page document compiled by insider journalists, anonymous employees, and third party researchers and legal consultants, details Deston Electronics’ rampant disregard for environmental health and public safety. Such claims are reinforced by the report’s devoted attention to detail on which regulations were broken and how, as well as several independently-run studies on the effects Deston Electronic’s industrial runoff, has had on local waterways.

Deston Electronics’ main production plant is based on the Inner Rim planet of Zatin-Elbe, a primarily rural world sparsely populated by farmers and financially successful retirees. Since the plant’s initial construction in 373 ABY and official opening in 382 ABY, representatives of Deston Electronics have repeatedly affirmed their commitment to mitigating the environmental impact of their presence while working closely with Republic officials to ensure that their practices meet government standards. In the past, the company has proudly shared the results of official tests and inspections to determine the plant’s potential damage to the ecosystem and its adherence to Republic law, never scoring beyond a “Minimal” grade and repeatedly passing inspection with flying colours.
That reputation has since been shattered by the aforementioned document, contrasting an earlier report made by officials in the Republic Planetary Health and Conservation Agency. The team of reporters, conscientious workers, and experts found “gross negligence on the part of Deston Electronics to uphold galactic standards”, resulting in “massive, potentially irreparable damage to the rivers surrounding the production center and its corresponding soil” and a “high risk of health detriments to the local populace”.

Activists, lawmakers, and businessmen alike are set in a state of shock over how Deston Electronics’ flagrant breaches of conduct went unnoticed up until then. The company since then has issued an official apology, ending with the promise that it will fully cooperate with Republic officials to properly renovate the plant to meet standards and help to repair the damage caused by their manufacturing plant. In the meantime, official warnings have been issued by the company to citizens with homes or businesses in proximity to Deston Electronics’ factory or its adjacent waterways, detailing potential health hazards and safety advice, though at the moment, no plans for compensation have been mentioned by Deston Electronics.

Most concernedly, the mass discrepancy between the insider document and the official RPHCA report has prompted multiple political advocates and policymakers to criticize the agency for its failure to accurately monitor and report on industrial pollution this close to the heart of the Republic. While the RPHCA has offered no explanation for this distinct oversight at the moment, they have stated that an official investigation is underway to discern the cause of this distressing lapse in judgment.

392.11 // The Attack of Rannon Praxeum

Members of the Order,

On 392.10, The force nexus housed at the heart of Rannon Praxeum was attacked by an entity using what we have now termed the ‘Spectral Force’. An erratic and unstable energy that is created by disrupting the natural transition between life and death. The High Council condemns the manipulation of such a sacred right. We all have a right to life just as much as we have the right to pass over to be one with the force without interference. Whilst we continue to attempt to understand this unnatural force and how to combat it, please stay vigilant. Security around all known force nexus’s has been increased and placed on high alert.

It is with great sadness that I announce the deaths of Jedi Knight Joran Fayara and Jedi Padawan Lystra Hale. We are grateful that both successfully became one with the force.

At the time of this message, the Order is organising a flotilla of ships to for the residents of Rannon. However, should the residents of Rannon visit your temple, outpost or support facility, please ensure they feel welcome.

Finally, Padawan Tribo Orana has also been reported missing since the attack, his status and whereabouts are unknown. If anyone hears from Padawan Orana, please inform a mentor immediately.

Kind Regards
Grandmaster Don’roq

392.10 // Only skilled pilots need apply!

As the storms on Rannon continue to rage on, the effects of it are still truly to be realised. Satellite scans of Rannon show that currently the the heart of the storm sits squarely over the Kenzie Plains.

Such is the level of disruption caused by the volatile storms that only a small safe corridor exists to allow any air traffic be it local or galactic to exit the area. As a result the RSF are requiring any air or space travel in and out of the Kenzie Plains be co-ordinated by the Space Traffic Control function at the city of Kenzie.

When asked what would happen should two ships meet head on in the corridor the Chief Space Controller, Nacku Yanyo simply stated

“It becomes a game of tip-yip. Who will blink first. You either crash into each other, or one is forced into the storm either side of the corridor. I think I’d rather take the collision.”

391.28 // Exclusive: Crashed ship identified and revealed!

It took 4 days for the towering smoke above the mountain border between the Kenzie Plains and Hora Point to subside. Only then could investigators get close to the wreckage of the fallen ship to try to piece together what exactly happened.

The area has been cordoned off for the best part of 2 cycles with little in way of news. Although several sources have confirmed that incessant and unrelenting storms has not made the process easy.

Today, Rannon Access News upon conclusion of the investigation granted an exclusive first look at the crash site.

Upon stepping into the clearing the devastation was immediately apparent. We saw the heart breaking carcasses of the local wildlife population driven from their homes and either hunted by their predators or trapped by the engaging inferno. We walked across the blackened flora, damaged by smoke that will scar and upset the natural balance of this part of Rannon’s plantlife for decades to come, before finally witnessing the hulking ball of mangled metal that once constituted as a hull of the ship.

With the investigation now concluded, R.A.N can exclusively confirm that the ship involved in the crash is ‘The Yavin Runner’ a light transport operated by the Jedi Praxeum located here on Rannon. It has been confirmed that the there were no fatalities to any of the passengers, although, all here are in agreement that in itself constitutes a miracle.

The submitted report states that the ship fell from the sky after being struck by successive bolts of ‘lightning’, seemingly by-passing the fully operational and working shields of the ship. With this report, the on-going legal battle between the Order and the manufacturers of The Yavin Runner draws to a close. The judge ruled a “force majeure”. A legal term that frees both parties from liability or obligation when an extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties occurs.

The crash site will remain closed to the public, and the R.S.F guidance on travel in and around the Kenzie Plains area remains the same: Critical journeys only, please avoid all unnecessary travel.