Despite strong, positive turns in the war effort by the superior quality of the troops under Governor-General Ruun’s command, what some have described as a ‘Senatorial Coup’ has taken place as mass opposition groups were organised into one vote of no confidence, only narrowly won by the Chief of State. This, compiled with unending protests, has prompted Chief of State Grallig to resign, provoking a leadership election and throwing the continuation of the Vohai conflict up in the air. Compiled with this, leading anti-war Senators compiled an official denunciation of the war, formalising a clear public mandate for peace processions to take place led by Jedi peacekeepers.
The Jedi Order has also received a strong level of criticism by the inner-core populations due to their role in the conflict as military leaders. One Senator, who wished to stay anonymous, described them as the “angelic architects of death and destruction.” Governor-General Ruun has chosen to not comment on the current proceedings, but a leak has told Holonews that he is “absolutely livid”, recorded as raging through his chambers aboard the RSN Firefly. Many pro-war protestors have found support in populist leaders, their rhetoric calling this act by the Senate a “betrayal of democracy” and a “victory for tyranny, with the power swept from [our] feet”.
Due to the complicated nature of the civil war, it is unclear what kind of peace can be achieved, if any. The main settlement will have to be between the Revolutionary Council and the Republic, as both of them now control vast swathes of the planet, but there are several factions in between that are not only demanding some form of recognition in any new government, but fundamental changes to the laws that once presided over the planet.
Despite the controversy, Holonews wants to wish the best to the diplomats, and hope that the conflict soon comes to a resolute end!
Posted in Galactic