JEDI HoloNet

387.10 // Order and Grid: “Rescue of over 30 force sensitive children”

The Galaxies hololens were firmly pointed at the steps of the Senate building in the early hours this morning. The Galaxy waited with baited breath, after rumours of an breaking development around Operation Lost Stars began to circle in press circles and social media.

At approximately 0502GST a GRID spokesperson released a joint statement on behalf of GRID and the Jedi Order.

GRID and The Jedi Order can confirm that yesterday an operation was successfully executed that led to the rescue of over 30 force sensitive children.

We are delighted to confirm that the children have been reunited with their families.

GRID and the Order would like to request privacy for the children and their loved ones at this time.

No details of the operation were revealed to the public, sources within GRID seem to indicate that it was entirely carried out the Jedi Order, but for now Operation Lost Stars has been closed and curiously with no-one formally charged.

387.03 // High profile recruitment agency ‘Simply Galaxy’ stormed in dawn raid.

GRID operatives have raided the headquarters of galactic headhunting firm ‘Simply Galaxy’, located in the heart of the business quarter on Coruscant. The raid which took place in the early hours of the morning is believed to be tied directly to the missing force sensitive children.

Sources from inside GRID have told Holonews that it is believed that Simply Galaxy is responsible for the sourcing of mercenaries to target children on behalf of a larger unnamed faction.

In a statement from Simply Galaxy, they strongly denied any wrong doing

“Simply Galaxy does not have any involvement with the disappearances of recent years, and will assist GRID with any information and access they may require to exonerate our company. Our priority is and always will be to help citizens of the galaxy take the next step in their careers.”

As of yet it appears that no charges have been brought forward and as such, the next 48 hours will make for interesting watching. Many citizens see this as an end game move from GRID and that they must surely be closing in on bringing the children home.

The first child was taken roughly 5 years ago and surely with this latest move, GRID alongside the Jedi Order are at a point where they feel finally in a position to put this to bed.

The first domino has fallen, will the second?

386.28 // Strikes over job losses lead to violence in seven major Vohai cities

Strikes have gripped the major industrial cities of Vohai as unrest continues to mount: mass lootings and violence sweep through the streets, as industrial protesters and sympathisers for the terrorist cell ‘the People’s Will’ continue to clash with Republic garrisons.

In a press release earlier today, the Governor of the Vohai System, Lord Xannash, was bombarded by bottles and rotten fruit as protesters began to chant ‘freedom or death’ as they stormed the podium. Another incident of a fuel explosion outside the city of Exalorest has set much of the surrounding buildings on fire, with firefighters spread too thin to effectively deal with ensuing wildfires.

Over seven have died as violence with another four-hundred injured as violence continues to grow. Talks between union leaders and business officials continue to fail due to the increasing radicalisation of the worker’s unions under the assumed pressure of the terrorist cell known as the People’s Will, and their influential leader ‘Mother Mu’la’.

With no end in sight, the Chief of State has expressed immediate worries about the increasing pressure of Vohai and its regional unrest.

386.23 // [OPINION] Is Lord Ruun the man to save Vohai from collapse?

While the ghost of terrorism grips the once-prosperous planet of Vohai, there is one man who has been monitoring the situation closely. Ex-Jedi, ex-Senator and Governor Laa’ken Ruun has a long and successful career of dealing with the provinces of the Republic, as a representative and man of the law. Dating back to his early twenties, his time as a Jedi was spent as an Investigator and Watchman, having been trained by the greatest of the Ossus Praxeum he had a short career of effective and quick punishments to Hutt Space piracy when infringing upon the Republic. Soon afterwards, he hung up his Jedi robes and started life as a political being in the capital of Coruscant.

As a Senator, Ruun was one of the greatest outspoken critics of the expansion of big business that led to the Stock Market Crash of 378; ever a man of the people, he pushed for welfare reform across the Outer Rim and expansion of his program ‘Civil Service’, which would allow the homeless and unemployed Government-paid work in massive infrastructure projects funded by the Republic’s treasury. Finally, as Governor, his critics called his measures ‘drastic’ in dealing with the threat of corrupt expansion by the Hutt Cartel against fragile industries within our Outer Region. Harsh, but necessary – Ruun kept the peace, and cared for the people.

Who better, would serve as Governor of Vohai and the surrounding systems? A man of the people, and a firm but loving hand. Experience in the Jedi, militiary and Government – Governor Ruun has the experience, credentials and sense to sort out the big business crippling Vohai, and bring balance to the once-prosperous lives there. Furthermore, he has the firm hand necessary in dealing with this terrorist organisation that has been given free reign for far too long!

This has been Lacinda Sha, of Holonews news.

386.22 // Tensions rise as Republic closes another factory on Vohai

As another factory threatens to close, the third this year on the planet of Vohai, industrial unrest reaches an unprecedented level. In a leaked statement, spokesperson Carr Greenwill of V-8 Industries called Vohai an “unprofitable population”, which incited a huge wave of protests and tax avoidance among the industrial sectors of the planet. The memory of the massacre of Vohai City lurks over the people of Vohai like a violent spectre, and much of the planet remains resentful and aggressive.

Worryingly, the illusive terrorist group ‘People’s Will’ making a comeback last year as they announced their first public broadcast in over 3 years. Planetary authorities are publicly expressing their worry that industrial unrest may, once again, lead to a repeat of the violence almost a decade ago.

We spoke to a survivor of the Vohai Massacre, a now-unemployed Steel Worker Chiara Bu’cbhi, who gave us her brave story of that fateful and bloody day. “It was like the world just stopped, and suddenly everyone was dead around me.” Chiara told Galactic Holonews today. Now, Chiara is an industrial activist and union leader, writing her own book named ‘The Necessary Revolution’, which critics have cited as an aggressive and pro-terrorist, anti-Republic piece of literature. “We can’t let this happen again; I have kids that need me, but I need the credits to buy them food and clothes. It’s a joke how they treat us, just to undercut the trade we have with the Empire and Hutts. A joke. We aren’t slaves.”

With protests set to take place throughout the cycle until their demands are met, the situation remains unclear.