The JEDI Experience
The JEDI Temple is a place of learning and peace that aims to recreate an immersive Jedi role-playing experience in the Star Wars universe, from the Jedi initiates discovering their Force-sensitivity to the Jedi Knights and Jedi Masters studying the deeper mysteries of the Force.
This curriculum includes regular classes (Saber Arts, Force Theory and Practice, Ethics Morals and Diplomacy, History, Meditation and Philosophy) as well as spontaneous classes held by Knights and Masters, and the Master-Padawan relationship leading a Padawan Learner to the rank of Knight under the care of his/her mentor.
More precisely, JEDI uses the following ranks and tags in its hierarchy:
- ::JEDI:: Initiate: students who are undergoing the initial training.
- ::JEDI:: Padawan: students who have completed the initial training and passed the initiate trials. Alternatively, an apprentice that has been removed from or lost their master.
- ::JEDI:: Padawan Learner: students who are apprenticed to a Jedi Knight or Master.
- ::JEDI:: Adept: probationary rank for Jedi Knights and returning members who wish to be given Jedi Knight back.
- ::JEDI:: Knight: one who has passed the Jedi trials and is recognized by all as a full member of the Jedi Order. Jedi Knights are not bound to a master, and can take on an apprentice. Jedi Knights serve as the bulk of the Order, instructing and guiding aspiring Jedi, and serving the galaxy, the Force, and the Order in adherence to the Jedi Code.
- ::JEDI:: Master: one who has been bestowed the highest formal recognition that a Jedi can achieve in the Order. Jedi Masters are members who have graduated knighthood through training an apprentice to completion, and/or serving the Order, the Force, and the galaxy to an honorable degree, and/or passing modified trials. Jedi Masters, while the fewest in membership, are regarded as the Order’s most wisest and powerful members – often guiding Jedi Knights and students alike.
Additionally, a third column can be added inside the tag for the following positions:
- :::JEDI::: Mentor: Jedi Knights and Masters who have taken a student as their apprentice. Should they also serve one of the below positions, this pair of columns will replace one of their rank columns. e.g. :::JEDI:::
- :::JEDI::: Head of Departments: Jedi Knights and Masters who manage a specific field of teaching and its coordinating area in the temple. Considered a position, not a rank.
- :::JEDI::: Councilor: Jedi Knights and Masters who form the administrative body of a specific Jedi Temple. Considered a position, not a rank.
- :::JEDI::: High Councilor: Jedi Knights and Masters who form the administrative body of the Jedi Order. Considered a position, not a rank.
The following chart describes the progression through ranks in JEDI:

The JEDI Era
Besides the complete Jedi experience, the JEDI clan also provides its own background storyline set more than 350 years ABY – which means after the movies and the Legacy storyline – and referred to as the JEDI Era. This gives more freedom regarding the Star Wars canon for the JEDI storyline contributors, but also allows members to actively participate in events called Missions.
Missions typically involve a Master and his Padawan in an infiltration, rescue, combat or negotiation situation where non-Jedi characters are played by other members – but this is by no mean a requirement and many kinds of missions can be played. The features provided by RPMod are also meant to give them a cinematic feeling and immersive action through the use of music, effects, on-screen notifications, NPC/Vehicles, etc. However, smaller missions unrelated to or without influence on the main JEDI Era storyline can also be held from time to time, depending on member contributions or internal clan events such as the Knighting Trials.
JEDI uses the Star Wars date system (Battle of Yavin reference point) along with a time scale:
- One real life (RL) month is equivalent to one role play (RP) galactic standard year.
- 1 galactic standard year is broken up into 4 cycles, which are equivalent to 4 RL weeks.
- Anything below this scale is relative, and days shouldn’t be counted precisely (it is recommended to use words like ‘recently’, ‘in a few days’, etc.)
Dates are then written as Year.Day (for example, 359.01). More precisely:
- 359 represent the three digits of the corresponding years after the Battle of Yavin, symbolized by ABY.
- 01 represent the cyclical days in the galactic standard year. These numbers are represented by the RL date.
- 359.01 ABY therefore means February 1st, 2017.
The JEDI Environment
From a technical point of view, JEDI mainly uses the Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (JKA) game along with its own RPMod modification to provide an unique role-playing experience to its members and guests. Currently, 3 JKA servers are in use. The main server is called the JEDI Temple and is where continuous, strict role-playing occurs. More information about the servers and the rules to respect while playing can be found in the links at the top of this page.
The JEDI Holonet (this very website) provides information about JEDI in general (servers, rules, members, downloads, etc.) and in detail (Archives, Holonews, etc.) for newcomers as well as members. Powered by WordPress, the Holonet also offers RSS feeds to stay informed about JEDI news through your favorite RSS reader.
To communicate outside the server, JEDI uses a forum called the Communications Port (in short, the Comport). Being a “persistent” communication means (as opposed to the “live” communication offered by the JKA server), this place serves many purposes:
- Discussion about various “in character” topics, such as the JEDI Era events, the Force, lightsabers, Jedi ethics, history, etc.
- Member Journals, personal diaries for each member to write his/her progress, doubts, feelings, essays, class reports, etc.
- Announcements, events planning, etc.
- Private messaging, especially to contact the Jedi Council.
- Jedi Council discussion and storage for all matters and messages received.
- “Out of character” (OOC) discussion about JKA problems or modding, as well as various community topics.
- And much more …
You will find information about the JEDI servers, the rules to respect and general information about joining JEDI in the links at the top of this page.